Best Eats – Slow Roasted Tomato and Basil Soup

Commencing operation . . .
A good number of years ago, at a work Christmas lunch, the team I was a part of did a secret Santa gift exchange. My work colleague gave me a recipe book called ‘A Little Book of Soups‘ from the New Covent Garden Soup Company. Every recipe in the book required butter or cream to add thickness to the soup. Being the health freak that I am, I found this most displeasing.
I was therefore pleasantly surprised when I turned to the last recipe and realised it required neither butter nor cream! So I set out and made it as an end-of-year celebratory starter. It tasted sublime, and this year I have decided to make it again. Allow me to introduce you to a Slow Roasted Tomato and Basil Soup!

I forgo the vinegar and sugar, but otherwise, that is the recipe. Serve it with some crunchy bread, and you are golden.
It does take a bit of time to prepare, but it is well worth the wait! For a quick soup, consider looking at my tomato soup recipe here.
Soup is a great meal to keep warm in the winter. Give this recipe a try. You will not be disappointed!
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.