Power Up – Home Gym Guide

Commencing operation . . .

I believe that everyone should have the means available to do some training at home. It is so much more efficient to train at home rather than go to a gym as long as you have the discipline to do so and have no issues training in solitude. Especially for those who work full time, it can be a struggle to find a suitable time slot to get some exercise in. If you can do the training at home, you’ll save a fair chunk of time, and you’ll also be less likely to give it the skip. Although you probably won’t have access to the myriad of equipment that a standard gym would have, you don’t need all of that stuff anyway unless you are trying to accomplish a particular goal and need to do specific exercises which require the gym equipment to attain the said goal. For the vast majority, however, callisthenics should more than suffice if you do not have space at home for anything else.

During my university years, I trained in my bedroom and only did body-weight workouts. Sure it wasn’t ideal, but it sufficed at the time. For the most part, all that is required is a bit of space. You can use a yoga mat to train on if the surface is too hard. When I moved out and lived on my own, I used the guest room for exercising. By that time, I had accumulated some free weights and resistance bands and used them to evolve my routine. There wasn’t a massive amount of space, but there was enough to get by, though I do admit I did hit the wall with the barbell a few times! Nowadays, I live with my brother, and I ended up converting one of the bedrooms into a training room. It is matted out with mirrors and a built-in pull-up bar. I also added a bench to my equipment list and now have the space to carry out my workouts without any real impediments. This is an ideal to aim towards, but you do not require much at all to create a training space at home. Even if you start with just a yoga mat that is still sufficient as there is plenty of exercises you can do on a mat. If you can invest and utilise a more prominent space, then all the better but do what you can with the area you do have available.

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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