Poisons of the World – The Covid-19 Vaccine

Commencing operation . . .
So we are creeping out of the second (third?) lockdown in the United Kingdom, following the Coronavirus outbreak at the beginning of 2020. Throughout this time, the propaganda perpetuating the widespread fear of the virus has in and of itself been a virus, albeit more of a psychological kind. It has all been in preparation for the next phase, that is the implementation of the vaccine program, a so-called ‘solution’ to this global ‘problem’.
Is the vaccine truly our saviour? Or is it merely a ploy to further the schemes of the wicked?
The Problem
The issue I have with the vaccine (and I guess the whole pandemic in general), is how hard the influential powers are pushing their agenda under the banner of group survival. I have received a couple of letters from the NHS over the past few weeks asking me to book my vaccine appointment.
If the NHS truly cared about my health, then all of these years where have the letters been to remind me to get my teeth cleaned, my eyes checked, my blood tested, and so on? I understand those things only affect my health whereas the vaccine is supposedly for the benefit of society as a whole, but still.
They now want to vaccinate mere teenagers from the virus, which I think is utterly absurd. The younger generations should have the strength of their immune systems to combat viral invasions. Sure, there will be a statistic of people where this may not be the case which is unfortunate, but misfortune befalls us all in one way or another. People get run over, people get stabbed, etc.
It is unavoidable to suffer tragedies throughout life. The ideology of vaccinating the entire world to eradicate the coronavirus is an intangible pipedream. Even if in theory we all became vaccinated, and took repeated doses throughout the years (that is where this is all going by the way), I sincerely doubt the virus will be eradicated, as it is more like the common cold than anything else, which will simply never die.
So then why bother pouring all of this time, energy, resources, and money into the vaccination program?
Various reasons, but you can bet health is not at the top of that list. Pharmaceutical companies have made an absolute killing through the administration of the vaccine program, a business model which REQUIRES ‘sick’ people, to be successful through the administration of medicinal drugs etc.
Blinding the public with their propaganda, all the while lining their pockets.
If the majority say to do ‘X’, I tend to do ‘Y’ instead. You can probably thank a childhood of social ostracising from my peers for that. The majority of the world is statistically speaking, mediocre. If one follows the majority, then they too follow the mediocre and become mediocre themselves. Also if an agenda is pushed hard, that is another flag for me to go the other way.
There are too many potential dots to connect which ultimately makes me distrustful of the vaccine program. And the worst part is once the majority of the United Kingdom is vaccinated, and the problem still persists, it will not be the failure of the vaccine program that the finger of blame is directed. It will be the mere minority of those who have chosen to take a stand against such absurdity who is blamed.
The Solution
Take responsibility for your own health and wellness, not through some money-making vaccine scheme, but by adhering to good lifestyle practices. Dietary habits, exercise routines, developing the mind, all of these things are detailed on Absolute Ascendancy.
If your mind and body is strong, you have zero need for fear of the virus. It can do no long term harm to healthy individuals. The wicked want you to be feeble and weak. If you are weak, you are vulnerable and can be exploited through schemes such as the vaccine program.
It is your individual responsibility to be strong. It does not fall down to society and mass vaccinations to protect you.
You have to protect yourself.
It has been almost eighteen months since this whole fiasco kicked off. Plenty of time for everyone to kick things up a gear to become fit and healthy. Even with widespread lockdowns, there is still ample opportunity to train at home. If you haven’t seen the warning signs and acted upon them to build yourself up as strong as possible, you only have yourself to blame because believe me when I say that a jab to the arm will not solve the problem at hand.
How long must we play this game? When will people wake up and realise they are being manipulated like puppets to the strings, dancing in the palms of the corrupt? Let’s review a potential plan of where this is all headed.
Step 1: Propaganda to create unnecessary fear of the virus.
Step 2: Vaccinate the world and make tonnes of profit
Step 3: Control the world via the vaccines, regarding travel, employability etc.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: More shenanigans.
We are currently somewhere between steps 2 and 3, with indications that some sectors like care workers being mandated to take the vaccine else risk losing their employment. If the vaccine truly worked, there would be no need to enforce such regulations. Practically all of the elderly have taken the jab already. If it worked as a vaccine is supposed to, there would be virtually zero risk of transmitting the disease from care workers to the elderly or vice versa. If that is not indicator enough that the wicked are playing us like fools, I don’t know what else I can say to convince you otherwise.
In any case, I stand by my statement to prioritise your individual wellness through beneficial lifestyle habits to combat the virus, rather than relying on pharmaceutical vaccinations.
Wishing you the best of health.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.