Poisons of the World – Drugs

Commencing operation . . .


Promoted as a means of aiding humanity in one way or another, but in reality, these substances are poisons that will lead you to your doom if you consume them. Steer well clear if you want to keep your health intact. There are three main categories of drugs I want to tackle in this article as listed below.

  1. Recreational
  2. Performance
  3. Pharmaceutical
1. Recreational

Things like nicotine, cannabis, heroin, and so forth. Continued use will mess you up big time, make no mistake about it. In principle, anything that offers you a quick win should at the bare minimum be heavily modulated. Better yet, discarded entirely. Short dopamine boosts are an addiction to the human brain. Get suckered into recreational drugs, and you end up on the roller-coaster ride straight to hell as you desperately try to keep your dopamine levels on the high by repeated substance abuse. If you can relate to this kind of lifestyle, it is time for a kick in the ass and a reality check.

Lasting happiness can only be attained through constructive, meaningful effort.

There is no other way. The quicker you rise to happiness through speedy dopamine boosts, the faster and harder you will plummet into ruination and demise. Sustainable happiness must be built slowly but surely, through some meaningful application of skill or ability. Lasting happiness doesn’t feel like you’re stoned high up on cloud nine, it is a feeling of contentment and ease right down on the ground, amidst the chaos and madness that surrounds us all and plagues the world. Burn whatever drugs you have and never, ever go back to your loser self. Because that is all drug addicts are. Losers who try to snare you with their poisons so that they feel like they’re less of a loser.

“Oh yeah man, you should totally have some of this stuff, you’ll feel so good.”

Shut the hell up. Take your drugs and your mediocrity and stay the hell away from me. I feel good each time I smash a workout or training session. When I write up a great blog post or when I nail a piano session. I don’t need some cretin from the dregs of society telling me what will make me happy. Sort your own life out before trying to “help” me.

2. Performance

Many people from athletes to the average citizen utilise enhancement drugs of some nature in their lives. Stimulants such as caffeine, ritalin, and I will throw protein shakes into the mix. Even though they are not drugs, they are still used for performance enhancing. I have always held a stance of wary scepticism when it comes to performance supplements as I am a promoter of self-reliance and self-dependence. I am not too fond of the concept of enhancement drugs. The ideology that only through the use of such substances can peak performance be reached.

What happens if these substances become non-existent? How capable are such individuals without their substance enhancers? The Green Lantern is wholly dependent on his power ring as a superhero to the point that he is powerless without it. Is that the path you want to take? I would advise against heavy reliance on any such thing as a way of living. True, the limits of my own power could perhaps be increased by taking some form of enhancement drug, but this is essentially a double-edged sword as it places an implicit dependency on the drug which thereby creates a vulnerability should that drug become unavailable for whatever reason. I would much rather fight on with my own strength in my training because when disaster strikes and confrontation takes place, there won’t be time to down a protein shake or pop a couple of enhancement pills. There will just be me and my natural ability against whatever comes my way.

3. Pharmaceutical

As if medical professions know what is best for us. Time and again, they have been rebuked, debunked, and disproved on numerous medical theories. There is only one person who is responsible for your health and well-being.

That person is you.

By all means, of course, do your research as needed to aid you in reaching whatever medical decisions you need to take action on, but never blindly act on the advice from anyone, ensure you have the necessary information available to make the best decisions you can.

The pharmaceutical industry is a business, and like any business, profitability is pretty high up on the agenda. So, of course, medical professions will want to get you hooked onto whatever drugs they can prescribe to make money off of you. A lot of the time, these medicines will target the overcasting symptoms rather than the underlying root cause of the problem, leading to a situation where the pain may become more manageable but persisting, which is exactly what they want! That is their ideal. To ease your pain just enough to make you earn their trust but not enough so that you are cured, such that you end up buying repeat subscriptions to little avail. Generating repeat customers is a fundamental concept for any successful business.

As a principle, I will always be cautious of any pharmaceutical drug and will always prioritise natural remedies over human-made manufactured ones. What do you think ancient civilisations used back in the day to fight off infections and disease? Good old mother nature with her assortment of herbs and spices has all the answers required. Herbs and spices have no economic agenda. They do not give a banana’s peel about profiting off of the sick. You would be nuts not to implement natural cures to remedy your illnesses.

There is no need to ingest alien substances into your body. Each time you intake an unnatural substance into your body, it goes “what the hell is this” and reacts in an arguably needlessly defensive manner, which can often lead to inflammation. Ibuprofen is a good example. I used to take it in the past but would end up with stomach pains each time because my body didn’t know how to effectively deal with the drug, which led to an imbalance of pH levels and hence the upset tummy. Cough mixtures did a number on my stomach as well. These pharmaceutical medicines with unnatural ingredients are no good for the body.

I found a cough mixture with natural ingredients that works pretty well for me. It’s called Broncho Stop. No nonsense, just thyme and marshmallow herb extracts. It works a treat without doing my stomach in. I usually stick with a lime and honey drink and gargling salt water to combat against a cough and sore throat, but as a last resort, I will take Broncho Stop as the extra help is appreciated when an illness is particularly persistent.


Say no to recreational drugs because you’re better than that. Use performance drugs if you feel you must but do so sparingly so that you do not become overly reliant on them.  Avoid pharmaceutical drugs as much as possible, only resorting to them as a last resort. As a principle, resort to natural remedies for your health needs rather than human-made substances.

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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