Poisons of the World – Lockdown

Commencing operation . . .
The second lockdown has commenced for the United Kingdom, and I cannot help but wonder what significant benefit this will have on the country. The first lockdown realistically did not accomplish much of anything in the grand scheme of things, except for plummeting the country into ruin. Merely delayed the inevitable if even that. Then the government blames the masses for the failure.
How typical.
Do note however that this is all my speculation and I am no medical expert, so perhaps take what I say with a grain of salt.
Second Lockdown
This second lockdown seems like a very desperate shot of a failing government attempting to keep a firm grasp on the concept of control. But the tighter one holds their grip, the more it will continue to slip through the cracks. This whole propaganda about ‘controlling the virus’ is absurd. Humanity toying with what is beyond their reach.
The virus cannot be controlled.
It will permeate its way through the world one way or another. It cannot be stopped. Even if a vaccine is eventually developed, I am doubtful it will provide such an idealistic solution to neutralise the virus completely. I believe the virus will evolve and adapt over time to render such vaccines useless in the long term.
The best solution, in my opinion, is to allow the natural immune systems of the populous to develop resilience to the virus through exposure over time. The herd immunity theory. My stance has not changed since March when the first lockdown was introduced.
People are going to die regardless, but the numbers are not so great that the world will come to an end. The lockdown strategy essentially sacrifices the freedom, economy, and wellness of the entire population, in a failed attempt to preserve the vulnerable minority.
I am not completely against protecting those at greater risk but do so in a manner which does not drag everyone else through the mud. Isolate the elderly, and place the sick under lockdown. Let everyone else continue with their lives.
The whole issue about the coronavirus has been blown out of proportion. Yes, there is a degree of seriousness involved, but the measures taken to combat the virus are causing and will continue to cause more significant damage to humanity in the long term.
During the tier system in the United Kingdom, I spoke with a few friends from different parts of the country, and they all agreed that the system was confusing and hard to understand what people could and could not do. It also makes very little sense to keep schools and universities open while locking down the rest of the country, as it essentially defeats the supposed purpose of having a lockdown in the first instance. I am convinced that there is some deliberate intention in trying to disorientate the population with the obscurity of their tier system rules.
I believe there is a group of people behind the scenes pulling the strings and manipulating events towards their desired end goal. These lockdowns are not about protecting the populous. They are about enforcing control, confounding, and manipulating the masses.
It took only one day after the second lockdown was instigated for the police to start enforcing the new legislation.
They certainly like to enforce the new rules with a sizable amount of people, don’t they? If only they had this kind of excess resource to utilise elsewhere when actual criminal activities are taking place.
A similar kind of policing activity took place in Australia a few months ago, specifically Melbourne, Victoria. I know this because I was born there, but more precisely because I have family there who shared their insights with me on the type of subjugating activities the police were doing over there.
I suspect the police will use a similar approach in the United Kingdom, and that video above is just the beginning.
The best thing you can do right now is to take measures to look after your physical and mental wellness as best you can. I have written an article on surviving lockdown which may prove useful. It is not worth it to live in a state of fear, as that is the very mindset that will weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to infections.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.