Poisons of the World – Hay Fever

Commencing operation . . .
I suffered from moderately severe bouts of hay fever as a child, made only worse by my asthmatic disposition. Outdoors was not a nice place for me to be in Spring! Fortunately, it was tolerable for the most part, though. There are people out there whose symptoms are so severe they are practically forced to stay indoors when the pollen count is exceptionally high.
So is there any way of mitigating hay fever symptoms?
Certainly, there is, but before I talk through what I believe cured my hay fever, let us first consider what hay fever is.
The Problem
The root cause is that the process of pollination causes agitation to many people. An allergic reaction in the case of pollen – the sneezing – is a defensive mechanism to eject the pollen from the body.
Unlike many other problems in the world, we cannot stop this one at the source. Flowers will bloom, lest the world itself perishes. We cannot halt the pollination process. To do so would be our very own undoing!
We, therefore, need to evaluate this situation from a different perspective. We change the hypothesis. We say that the problem is that many people lack resistance to pollen. By changing the scope of the problem, it changes the parameters to create a solution. Instead of contemplating a method to prevent pollination, we can instead consider ways to increase pollen resistance in vulnerable individuals.
The Solution
There are various over the counter drugs that can be prescribed to manage hay fever symptoms, and it is true in my childhood days I used a naval spray. While this did provide a solution, it was a temporary one, and I was reliant on the spray.
For the past decade, I have leaned toward natural remedies as opposed to pharmaceutical drugs. In more severe cases, yes I will take a painkiller or whatever else to alleviate pain, but for the most part, I will either tough it out or resort to natural cures.
We have ascertained that we cannot eliminate pollen from the world. Nor is it feasible to block our noses and cover our mouths, as we need to breathe, not to mention, the trapped pollen could cause internal damage if not released. A targeted solution, therefore, needs to manage pollen intake within the body.
Probiotic yogurt was the solution which I believe worked for me. The ‘good bacteria’ does not want to be ejected from the body via sneezing. I do not know the specific scientific detail behind it all. Still, from what I understand, probiotics somehow manage the pollen symptoms in the body and prevent the natural immune system response (sneezing) from occurring.
I haven’t suffered from hay fever allergies for well over a decade, even on days with a high pollen count. If you have a vulnerability to hay fever, try some probiotic yogurt for a month and see whether it alleviates your symptoms.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.