Mastermind – How to Live Like a Young Man in Today’s World

Commencing operation . . .
It’s December and this will likely be my final post for the year. Last time this year I did an end of year reflection, but this time I want to do something different. I watched a video from Kevin Samuels on how he would live as a man aged from 21-35 in today’s world.
It is a length video, but if you have time to watch the first hour, I highly recommend it. In this post, I want to run through the top 5 key takeaways. Kevin Samuels basically says that the top twenty percent of men – the really successful men in this world – embody the following principles.
- They live healthily and practice a martial art
- They have an established ‘wolf pack’
- They do not obsess over women
- They have a main purpose
- They work 60+ hours a week
1. They live healthily and practice a martial art
Number 1 on the list, but this is my bias given the nature of this blog. Successful men are in good physical health. They go to the gym 4-5 times a week or equivalent. They partake in a combat based martial art, which means classes involve fight training and sparring, not non-contact nonsense or purely practicing forms.
When you are healthy, it’s much harder to be corrupted. This world is full of negative influences which lead many astray from a successful path and straight down the road to hell. When you know how to defend yourself, you carry yourself much better in public. Personally, I think anyone who does not know how to defend themselves or does not practice a martial art, is doing themselves a huge disservice. Sure, there are laws that discourage people from committing crimes and whatnot, but those laws don’t mean a damn thing if someone sticks a knife in you. It doesn’t matter if the guy gets sentenced later for murder BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!
Oh but the law and society will protect me!
To hell with that. As much as possible, I want to not leave my existence on the balance of others goodwill. I suggest you do the same. Do yourself a favour and learn a martial art. Protect yourself, your family, and your loved ones.
2. They have an established ‘wolf pack’
I admit this is something I need to work on, and have been making an effort over the past 12-18 months. Kevin Samuels warns of the stoic and solitary nature of man and asks that men band together in groups to protect one another and hold each other accountable. He warns of the foolishness of men trying to go at it alone, a trap I myself have fallen into in the past. He says men need to surround themselves with successful men to set up opportunities to create connections which just would not otherwise be possible.
While it is true my book Black Box encourages solitary living, I do state at the outset that the underpinning philosophy behind that work is to restore balance between interconnectivity and solitude. There are times when you need to be the dragon in the den to do the plotting, planning and scheming as well as to do the actual work itself, depending on what the work in nature entails. But other times you need to be the wolf on the hunt, finding new connections to open up new avenues; things which just cannot be accomplished on one’s own. It’s a balancing act at the end of the day, much of life is.
3. They do not obsess over women
Between the ages of 21-35, a lady in your life is not your priority. Kevin Samuels advises spending up to a maximum of 7% of your overall time on women. That’s enough for 1 date a week. Men need to be careful regarding women, especially in this day and age. While the right women can help perpetuate our goals, the wrong one will send us spiralling down into oblivion twice as fast and twice as hard. If you want to get married, you should start thinking about that stuff from 35 years of age and beyond.
That is straight up game over, you dun goofed. Anything else can be salvaged (even going to prison, although it depends on the crime), but getting a women pregnant without going through the proper channels is success armageddon. Now this doesn’t mean you have to be aversive to women or discourteous or anything of that nature. You are advised to tread carefully, is all.
4. They have a main purpose
Every man needs a mission. A goal to strive towards to keep on the straight and narrow. If you are reading this and you think to yourself you do not have such a thing, THEN GO FIND ONE! Experience a variety of new things and find something that resonates, and then make something around that experience your purpose.
When I compare my regular training to the times that I train in preparation for a competition, hands down I am way more focussed, committed and train much harder when there is a competition looming on the horizon. Also when I have a personal project that I am working towards, I find that the negativity that can often plague my mind, disappears. I don’t have time for depression or whatever, when there’s work to be done!
That is not to say you bury yourself in your work without properly confronting such emotions however, because if left unchecked, they will resurface at some point, with far greater impact and at a timing which may not be in your best interest. Speaking of work . . .
5. They work 60+ hours a week.
Kevin Samuels recommends a duel fold approach to working. 40 hours goes towards a job which provides the money to meet your basic needs such as your bills, your shopping expenses, and all of that jazz. He then says to get a part-time job and use the bulk of that side income to invest in yourself, or your projects, or into financial investments to generate more money in the future. If you want to be successful, you need capital. When you are aged 21-35, the way you make capital is by working both a day job and a side job.
I will say that you should obey your flow state when it comes to working however. I interpret 60 hour work week as a combination of both working to make money but also self-development work such as studying, or developing personal projects. Some weeks you’re going to be on top of your game and others not so much. There’s no point in slaving away at something if your flow state isn’t there. You spend 8 hours to achieve 3 hours’ worth of work. Better off revisiting the task when your flow state is better and spend an hour to achieve the same results instead. Understanding your flow state will help you make the best use of your time, which is ultimately the point Kevin Samuels is making here.
I would advise taking on the above 5 points moving forward into the new year. Speaking of next year, I will likely be unveiling some of the details of a project I have been working on over the past 18 months. Enjoy December, hopefully we don’t get stuck in lockdown and see you in 2022!
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.