Mastermind – Best Study Hacks

science, technology, education

Commencing operation . . .


Do you wish you had some techniques to help you stay focused while learning? Throughout my educational years and beyond, I have discovered six study hacks which you can use to help keep you focused and on track.

Best Study Hacks

  1. Music
  2. Nature
  3. Organise
  4. Incense
  5. Nourishment
  6. Flow
1. Music

Music has rhythm and rhythm can help maintain momentum while studying. The trap I used to fall into was to listen to music all the time, but this is not a best practice.

Humans need silence.

Silence has its own rhythm. Sometimes music can help, but other times it may be a hindrance. By listening to your flow state, which will be discussed later, you will be able to determine when to use music and when to work in silence.

I find it more effective to listen to a single track without lyrics on repeat, but songs can work too.

2. Nature

There are studies which state that the presence of plant life can enhance work focus and reduce stress. I don’t know about you, but I tend to feel pretty relaxed when looking at my desk plant, or through the window into the garden.

If you don’t already, you should look to procure a desk plant to keep you company during the daily grind. It doesn’t need to be a great big thing either; a small desk plant should suffice — bonus points for choosing a plant which has air purifying properties like aloe vera.

3. Organise

Let me tell you something.

Mess is stress!

Drives me insane! I don’t know about you, but I certainly can’t work well when my desk is a clutter. Nowadays I proactively keep my desk organised to prevent the disorder from creeping up on me.

If your external surroundings are not clear, then it is likely your internal mind will reflect a similar state. Keep the physical space in order, and you will find it easier to think freely.

4. Incense

Now you don’t want something too overbearing, but a sweet fragrance can help settle you into work mode. I have two scents in my office room with incense sticks which I reverse weekly. Truth be told, I don’t actually know what the specific fragrances are, probably lavender or something. As long as the incense doesn’t make you too relaxed and you become sleepy, it should help boost your work productivity.

5. Nourishment

By which I mean to ensure you have enough so that you do not need to make repeat trips to the kitchen. I personally do not keep snacks at my desk, but I make sure to take a full jug of water with me so that I stay hydrated while working. In the winter, I have a large thermal flask which I fill with tea.

A cup of tea does not last long, and I found myself making repeated trips to the kitchen, which disrupted my flow. So I make sure whatever the liquid, take a big enough container of it to reduce such trips.

6. Flow

Flow state is a term I use to describe ‘natural effortlessness’. It is not something that can be solely relied upon, but thankfully we have willpower at our disposal to shore up the difference. Now just because flow is beyond our scientific control, it does not mean we should not harness it when we can.

Sometimes I do not feel like working and therefore choose not to. Other times I will force myself through with perseverance. If you push yourself too much, however, you will eventually find that you will come to a grinding halt.

You need to be able to determine when it is best to use willpower and force things through and when it is best to take a breather and wait until your natural flow state is in better shape to take on the workload.

It is something that is learned through trial and error. By listening to the signals, your body and mind give you. Sometimes I do big work sessions with little rest, and other times I will take frequent breaks – both can be done in adherence to the flow state, it ultimately depends on your mood.

My Desk

I thought it would be a little fun to take a picture of my battle station so you can see the environment I work in.

As you can see, the workspace is tidy. I have a jug full of water ready to go and a house plant to keep me company.


Give these six study hacks a try and let me know how they work for you in the comments below. If you have any of your own study hacks, feel free to let me know.

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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