Chronicles of the Overlord – A Premonition

Commencing operation . . .
I had a premonition.
Around a year ago, when I first launched Absolute Ascendancy, I knew I wanted to share my unique experiences with the world. I had this feeling that there were people out there who could benefit from the knowledge I had accumulated through my varied lifestyle. As a martial artist, musician, gamer, and so on.
A Premonition
Last year, I set off to write my first book, Black Box, to solve a problem I believe is widespread. A term I coin the Constant Connectivity Conundrum which essentially states that the current disposition of humankind is such that humanity as a whole is overly reliant on connectivity to survive.
From whimsical overuse of technology to near-constant meagre human interactions, all of which amount to nothing. These desperate attempts to keep loneliness at bay are a stop-gap solution at best, and this state of being has caused an imbalance between inter-connectivity and independence.
The solution I outlined in Black Box is my four-step guide to productive solitude, to re-calibrate the scales and bring harmonic balance back to the individual.
Towards the end of 2019, I released my second book, Home Workout. As the name suggests, it details my fitness routine I do at home, with additional information about home gym setups and my diet.
My motivation was to provide a means for even the seemingly busiest of people to accommodate regular exercise into their daily lives.
Current State
The exercises and methodologies outlined in both books are designed to be carried out at home, individually. At the time of writing, I, of course, had no inclination that 2020 would see the world ensnared in a pandemic, but I felt that the people of the world had need of the knowledge I possess.
With many countries placed under lockdown, the relevance of my written work is even more defined. Not only due to the increased validity of the information contained within but also because reading in and of itself, is a great activity to take up, especially during this time.
For this month, I will be slashing 75% off the price on all of my books. Exceptional circumstances require exceptional discounts. Just use the following code at checkout to apply the reduction.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.