Best Eats – Strawberries

strawberries, delicious, fruit

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Strawberry milkshakes are one of my favourites on the rare occasions where I want to indulge myself a little. Vanilla, banana and honeycomb flavours are close in the running. I recently decided to add strawberries to my morning porridge as they are quicker to include than a chopped banana. Anyway, I wanted to give some limelight to these heart-shaped berries, so in this article, I list ten strawberry benefits.

10 Strawberry Benefits

  1. Nutritional Profile
  2. Immunity Booster
  3. Enhances Vision
  4. Cancer Prevention
  5. Lowers Cholesterol
  6. Blood Pressure
  7. Heart Health
  8. Diabetes Management
  9. Improves Digestion
  10. Bone Health
1. Nutritional Profile

Strawberries boast an impressive nutritional profile, especially when it comes to vitamin C. I was surprised when I found out that they have more vitamin C than oranges! Strawberries also contain a good amount of vitamin B9, as well as manganese and potassium.  

2. Immunity Booster

Unsurprisingly the vitamin C content in strawberries goes a long way in strengthening the immune system.

3. Enhances Vision

Vitamin C and the various antioxidants found in strawberries work to protect the eyes from vision damage from ultraviolet rays. They also help prevent cataracts from forming as well.

4. Cancer Prevention

Strawberries contain a phytochemical called ellagic acid, which can suppress the growth of cancerous cells. Strawberries also contain various antioxidants such as vitamin C, lutein and zeathancins, all of which help prevent free radical damage to cells which could otherwise turn them cancerous.

5. Lowers Cholesterol

The various antioxidants strawberries contain also help in reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the body.

6. Blood Pressure

The potassium content contained in strawberries helps in regulating healthy blood pressure by offsetting the impact of high sodium content in the body.

7. Heart Health

It is, therefore, no surprise that these heart-shaped berries offer tremendous benefit in keeping the heart-healthy. The anthocyanin components in strawberries help prevent heart attacks. Quercetin is a flavonoid which is an anti-inflammatory compound that helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The fibre and potassium content also helps keep the heart healthy.

8. Diabetes Management

Surprisingly, strawberries for something so sweet does not contain a lot of sugar. The fibre content also improves satiety and helps keep blood sugar levels stable.

9. Improves Digestion

The fibre contained in strawberries helps prevent digestive problems such as constipation and diverticulitis, an inflammation in the intestines. Strawberries also have a high water content for what they are, which helps keep things flowing in your body.

10. Protects Joints

Inflammation can cause all sorts of problems with the proper function of the human body. Fortunately, strawberries possess many components to help fight inflammation, particularly to protect the heart as mentioned but also to prevent arthritis from occurring in the joints.


If you do not already, definitely consider adding these super powered heart-shaped berries into your diet. Strawberries put in a lot of work to keep us healthy and are one of the best foods to protect the heart specifically.

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