Best Eats – Limes

lime, citrus fruit, sour

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Best Eats – Limes


Lemons tend to be the more popular choice when it comes to adding a bit of bite to water in restaurants significantly, but also in general. Lemonade is a widespread drink, but limeade is far less common! Admittedly, I am not quite sure why lemons are more agreeable with the populous than limes. Still, I have always been a fan of backing the underdogso today I will be discussing the myriad of lime benefits on the human body.

11 Lime Benefits

  • Nutritional Profile
  • Increases Immunity
  • Heart Health
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Reduces Anemia
  • Blood Sugar
  • Kidney Stones
  • Strengthens Bones
  • Supports Respiration
  • Enhances Digestion
  • Protects Eyes
1. Nutritional Profile

Limes boast an impressive amount of vitamin C and A, but they also contain various minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium. They also have dietary fibre content.

2. Increases Immunity

As expected, the vitamin C in limes makes them great at increasing overall immunity to viruses and diseases. For colds that due manage to survive, their overall duration and devastation are reduced.

3. Heart Health

Limes contain various antioxidants which can all aid in supporting good cardiovascular function by keeping arteries clear. Potassium helps keep blood vessels flexible as well, which also promotes good heart health.

4. Reduce Inflammation

Arthritis can be caused by inflammation in the joints. The citric acid in limes can help dissolve uric acid, which can cause inflammation when built up.

5. Reduces Anemia 

One cause of anaemia is due to an iron deficiency in the body. Limes not only provide a small quantity of iron, but they also increase the ability for the body to absorb iron and thereby provide enough haemoglobin in red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body.

6. Blood Sugar

Pectin, a soluble fibre contained in limes effectively slows down the digestive processing of food. This helps prevent spikes in blood sugar levels from occurring. Limes also score low on the glycemic index, which means they are unlikely to cause spikes in glucose levels.

7. Kidney Stones

Citric acid and vitamin C contained in limes can help break down kidney stones by dissolving them before they become too big and cause more severe problems for the body.

8. Strengthens Bones

Potassium is well known for supporting healthy bones, but vitamin C also plays a role in the development of healthy bones and teeth.

9. Supports Respiration

Limonin found in limes can help kill off Streptococcus bacteria, which is responsible for hindering respiratory functions. Vitamin C also helps eliminate bacteria in general. Asthmatic sufferers would do well to include limes into their diet.

10. Enhances Digestion

Limes are quite acidic, which makes them great for breaking down food, which can help prevent indigestion among other digestive problems from occurring. The scent of limes can also cause saliva production to increase, which also helps break down food. The flavonoids in limes also increase the amount of digestive juices in the stomach itself.

11. Protects Eyes

Vitamin C and flavonoids contained in limes protect the eyes from various eye conditions such as macular degeneration and eye infections in general.


There are many reasons why I include lime juice in my avocado smoothie recipe, but the top pick would be because it is one of the best fruits for bolstering the immune system. Winter season is here in the UK, which makes it prime time for viruses to infect the body. Keep your immune system in tip-top shape by squeezing a lime in water or adding it to most foods.

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