Best Eats – Honey

honey, sweet, tasty

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As a rule of thumb, I try to stick to natural foods and avoid processed junk. There are three main categories when it comes to implementing this infrastructure, however.

You have purely natural foods, like fruit and vegetables, for example. Then you have natural products that require human effort to package — things like honey and meat. Nothing is added to these products, but there is some form of human effort involved to generate the end result. Finally, we have products that have been manufactured using human processing methods. This broadly covers all junk food, microwaveable meals, frozen foods, and so on. These types of foods should be avoided as much as possible due to the number of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are added.

Essentially, if you have a sweet tooth, look for fruit or honey as your go-to solutions rather than sugar, a manmade product. Speaking of honey, it contains a myriad of remarkable benefits which are listed below.

8 Honey Bee-nefits

  1. Reasonably Nutritious
  2. Contains Antioxidants
  3. Antibacterial Properties – Sore Throats
  4. Aids Digestion
  5. Prevents Cancer
  6. Brain Protection
  7. Blood Pressure
  8. Manage Cholesterol
1. Reasonably Nutritious

Over half of the content in honey is made up of fructose, a type of sugar. Fructose is known to cause multiple problems in the human body. Despite this, honey does contain trace amounts of various vitamins and minerals which are good for the body, unlike processed sugars.

2. Contains Antioxidants

Similar to many fruits, honey also contains plant chemicals known as polyphenols. These function as antioxidants, which help slow damage done to the body by free radicals.

3. Antibacterial Properties 

Pure honey contains antibacterial properties, such as having a low pH level, as well as certain chemical compounds such as hydrogen peroxide and glucose oxidase. These components have the capability of killing off bacteria and preventing harmful fungi from growing in the body.

Honey is a known ingredient used for the treatment of coughs and sore throats. My favourite is drinking a mixture of honey, lime juice and hot water. Raw honey can even be used to treat cuts and burns, but usually, the honey used has been treated at hospitals beforehand.  

4. Aids Digestion

Honey can prevent acid reflux which is the upward flow of acid in the stomach and undigested food. It is an effective prebiotic compound, which allows it to nourish the good bacteria which live in your gut. These bacteria help break down food and keep your stomach healthy. The sugary liquid can also kill off certain harmful bacteria in the stomach, so it works double-time to keep digestive functions optimal.

5. Prevents Cancer

Antioxidants have the ability to kill cancerous cells and slow damage caused by free radicals which can cause cells to become tumorous.

6. Brain Protection

The antioxidant properties contained in honey can help slow the ageing process of the brain. They also assist in protecting against inflammation that occurs in the hippocampus part of the brain.

7. Blood Pressure

Honey contains some potassium and plenty of antioxidants which can help regulate blood pressure.

8. Manage Cholesterol

Honey works double-time to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body while also promoting the amount of good cholesterol. 


Honey is a good substitute for processed sugar, but be mindful of how much you consume. Dates and figs also make for sugary snacks which are less harmful to your health. Raw honey is best because it contains all of the natural goodness that can be lost through human processing, but it can be hard to find in supermarkets.


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