Best Eats – Dates

Commencing operation . . .


Dates are good. Really good. Both kinds I suppose, but I’m here to discuss the wonders of the fruit rather than the social venture. Dates are a small, dark brown coloured stone fruit in a roughly cylindrical shape. They are very nutritious for something so, and they make an excellent substitute for eating sweets and other kinds of junk food. It is even possible to make a paste like substance, using dates which can then replace sugar or syrup in cooking recipes. Below is a small list of some of the benefits dates have to offer.

-Vitamin and nutrient-dense
-Energy and cognitive booster
-High in Protein

Vitamin and nutrient-dense

Eating a few dates daily should pretty much cover off your vitamin intake, especially for B vitamins. They are a source of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and zinc, to name a few essential minerals the body requires to function. They are also high in fibre and so aid with digestion.

High in Protein

Comparatively so. A few dates won’t have as much protein as a breast of chicken, but the size to content ratio for protein is pretty good as far as dates go. I usually eat a few after I have trained as the high fructose (naturally occurring sugar found in fruits) content can quickly replenish energy levels, and the protein helps to promote muscle gain. This makes dates a pretty great post-training snack.

Energy and cognitive booster

Dates are essentially small power chargers that need to be ingested to get the energy boost. Dates are also said to improve brain health and promote some cognitive abilities such as information retention (memory). So next time you feel like a coffee to get your engines going, try a few dates and see how that fares for you.


There are several varieties of dates, and I usually go for the organic dried Medjool kind. They are quite large compared to some other types of dates and therefore, I am less likely to consume too many in one go. You can also buy small dates, but these are usually bundled together akin to a packet of crisps where the scenario of overeating them is more likely to occur.

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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