Best Eats – Eggtastic!

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Eggs are a staple in my diet. As far as veganism is concerned, I do not think I would ever convert to full-on veganism, mainly because of eggs. It is certainly possible, but I would be hard-pressed to find alternative vegan foods to replace eggs.
If anything, I think I would be more tempted switching back to a diet with fish and vegetables, rather than swinging in the other direction and going full vegan. I am content with the happy medium I have found with having a vegetarian diet, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon.
While in days past, there was a lot of controversy surrounding egg consumption, nowadays, it is widely accepted that regularly consuming eggs is beneficial.
With that being said, consider the following eight benefits to the regular consumption of eggs.
- Nutritious
- Boosts Eye Health
- Source of Quality Protein
- Satiating
- Improves Immune System
- Keeps the Brain Sharp
- Increases Good and Reduces Bad Cholesterol
- Protects the Heart
1. Nutritious
Of all the foods that exist on Earth, eggs are one of the most nutritious. Think about it. An egg contains all the nutrients a new life would need. A single egg contains vitamins A, B5, B12, B2, B6, D. E, and K, as well as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, and folate. That is incredible nutritional value for a single egg!
2. Boosts Eye Health
Egg yolks contain two antioxidants (Lutein and Zeaxanthin), which help protect against macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs also provide a good amount of vitamin A which a lack of is the leading cause of blindness in the world.
3. Source of Quality Protein
A single egg contains six grams of protein, which is a lot! Eggs also have an ideal ratio of all the essential amino acids, which means that your body can make the best use out of those six grams of protein that they contain. Since I do not eat meat, eggs provide a staple source of protein.
4. Satiating
Primarily due to the protein content, eggs are a very satiating food. Since I follow the 8/16 intermittent fasting philosophy, getting lots of highly satiating food into my diet like avocados, dates, and figs is of vital importance to keep myself ticking over during periods of fasting. Highly satiating foods also help with weight management, so if you are looking to trim down, eat more satiating foods.
I would also recommend you check out my fitness book, Home Workout!
5. Improves Immune System
Several nutrients found in eggs such as selenium, zinc, vitamin A and B-12 help increase the effectiveness of your immune system. A healthy born chick needs to have a strong immune system lest it dies off from early infection. So it makes sense that eggs are packed with immune-boosting nutrients.
6. Keeps the Brain Sharp
An under the radar nutrient known as choline is essential for maintaining a healthy brain. Choline supports regular cell function within the brain as well as maintaining your memory, nervous system, and metabolism functions.
7. Increases Good and Reduces Bad Cholesterol
Eggs have a double whammy effect on cholesterol. Not only do they increase the amount of good cholesterol in your body, but they also reduce the bad cholesterol!
Eggs are loaded with high-density lipoprotein, the good kind of cholesterol that helps in reducing the risk of strokes and heart disease. A single egg contains over half of the recommended dosage of high-density lipoproteins.
Eggs also assist in converting small low-density lipoproteins into their larger and healthier variants, where they are less likely to cause heart-related problems.
8. Protects the Heart
As well as the health benefits of good cholesterol in maintaining a healthy heart, pasteurised eggs, in particular, contain a good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 helps to combat triglyceride levels, which are harmful to the heart. Oily fish is likely the best source of Omega-3, but as I no longer eat fish, eggs fulfil this role instead.
If you do not already consume eggs regularly, then you should start right now! They are incredibly versatile both in terms of health benefits and consumption.
Eggs can be easily integrated into any meal of the day. There are preparation methods that cater to all meal times. Scrambled eggs for breakfast, omelettes for lunch or dinner, so there is no excuse not to find time to eat eggs! I fry two eggs for my lunch and have them with a salad – it works a treat.
Remember to eat the whole egg, both white and yolk, as each has separate health-boosting properties. If you want to tick off all of the points mentioned above, you need to eat the whole egg! Finally, try and get free-range eggs as these are more nutritious than eggs produced from caged chickens.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.