Best Eats – Jumbo Rolled Oats

Commencing operation . . .
Breakfast. My favourite, most anticipated meal of the day! Primarily attributed to the fact that on most days, I train for over an hour before I eat. In other words, I fight my way through and earn my breakfast! Training without any food in the morning can be tough, but the body adapts. There are studies for and against, but it is now my preference to do my morning exercises on an empty stomach.
Training Empty
I believe it is a good idea to condition the body to stress while empty because there have been occasions in my fighting history where I have had to compete, having not eaten a reasonable meal at an appropriate time. Some events are unfortunately not organised very well, and things can get hectic on the day of competition. Not only that, sometimes the nerves on the day can be overwhelming, which could result in a lack of appetite. By allowing my body to adapt to fighting on empty, it better prepares me for such potentialities.
Anyway, that’s enough of a tangent. My go-to breakfast is porridge. I believe it is the most superior of breakfasts one can have. Other good choices are yogurt with fruit, omelettes, and fruit smoothies, among others. A nice, big bowl of porridge comprising of jumbo rolled oats, some fruit, a pinch of Himalayan rock salt, seeds of choice and preferred milk is very nutritious and filling. I used to have the smaller sized oats but personally felt that they lacked enough texture when mixed in with everything else. The jumbo oats stand out more and have their distinct place within the porridge, rather than completely merging with the milk. You get more bite out of it, which I like but may not be for everyone.
I used to hate porridge as a kid on the seldom occasions that I had it back then. Now I’m in love with it, and I’m hard-pressed to get a better start to my day if I eat something else instead. Perhaps you also had some bad experiences with porridge in your younger days – if so I invite you to give it another shot – who knows, like me, you may find your preferences have changed over the years.
If nothing else, be sure to start your day right because who knows what challenges lie ahead.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.