Best Eats – Himalayan Pink Salt

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Salt is widely used in cooking and for preserving food. It is probably the most used condiment of them all. But did you know that not all salt crystals were made equal? Just as there was one ring to rule them all, there are salt crystals that stand above the rest. You don’t want to be using cheap, table salt in your food, you want the good stuff, and the good stuff, in this case, happens to be pink! Yup, Himalayan Rock Salt is pink in colour rather than the typical white, which is usually caused by bleaching. While it is true that too much sodium intake can lead to health problems, Himalayan salt somewhat reverses this stigma and can actually be considered a health food rather than a potential health hazard.

Himalayan Pink Salt benefits

Contains extra trace minerals

Himalayan pink salt contains numerous trace minerals, and although these additional trace minerals only make up around 2% of the total (the remaining 98% is simply sodium chloride), the potassium contained helps regulate the amount of sodium that your body takes in.

Contains additional electrolytes

The extra electrolytes such as potassium (again), sodium and magnesium contained in Himalayan pink salt helps charge your cells so that they may communicate more effectively with each other via electrical impulses. In turn, this allows your body to perform its daily functions with greater ease.

A naturally-occurring salt

Himalayan pink salt is also a more naturally occurring product than table salt certainly. Table salt goes through all sorts of chemical processing before it reaches the store shelves. It is also commonly mined using explosives which can leave traces of unwanted metals in the salt. Himalayan pink salt is mined either using machinery or by hand, which is far less damaging to the final product than using explosives.

Sea salt benefits

Sea salt is another great alternative to table salt but be aware of where the sea salt is sourced. If it originates from polluted salt waters, then the salt will likely contain some traces of that pollution. It contains less sodium than Himalayan salt and significantly less than table salt.

My recommendation

There are many products on the market for Himalayan salt, but I stick with a brand named Wholefood Earth. Like many other brands I shop with, Wholefood Earth is all about clean, natural, and no-nonsense foods. A 2 kg bag of salt will last many months, so it’s great value for money too.


Unlike table salt, Himalayan salt tastes good and does well for your body also. I enjoy sprinkling some in my porridgeand of course, I also use it regularly when preparing my other meals. Just be careful not to consume too much salt though as the excess sodium can raise your blood pressure.

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