Poisons of the World – Overpopulation

Commencing operation . . .
Objectively speaking for the planet, the coronavirus has been a blessing. For humanity, however, not so much. With the lockdown in place causing travel restrictions, and business shutdowns, the Earth has finally had some breathing room to recover from all of the environmental destruction humanity has wrought on the planet over the past fifty years.
Today, however, I want to talk about human overpopulation on Earth.
The Problem
Back in the day, humans had to breed to survive. Mortality rates were much higher in those times when medicine was less advanced, food was scarce, and humanity was more vulnerable to the elements. Nowadays, we live in a world that is overpopulated in an unevenly distributed manner.
Humanity has become an epidemic to the planet.
An infestation.
A plague.
From 1970, the Earth has exceeded its capacity to provide for all living creatures sustainably. Almost fifty years have passed since then, and profiteering companies have continued to exploit the environment for selfish gain, ruining the planet in the process. More people mean more resources, and more space is required to sustain the population.
To be more specific, the worst instances of overpopulation occur due to the areas in which it occurs. China is a prime example. In theory, there is plenty enough space on Earth for everyone, but logistically it is not the case currently. On one side, we have cities jam-packed with people and, on the other, barren wildlands without a single soul in sight.
The Solution
There are a few ways I can think of to manage the human population, but some of these ideas are ethically questionable.
- Warfare
- Genocide
- Repopulate
- Birth Control
1. Warfare
I certainly do not advocate using war as a means to trim down human numbers; however, it feasibly could work. I am not the kind of person who would immediately dismiss a possibility due to ethics or any other reason. I try and put all options under the microscope, no matter how outrageous they may appear. For in doing so, by allowing the mind to investigate, perhaps a new solution could be found. The objective of these articles is to inform and educate. You may read this section and have a flash of inspiration. That is why it is written, despite controversy. How far down the rabbit hole will you go?
2. Genocide
Again, this is a suggestion that is very questionable on the ethics scale, but I will put it out there. The idea, to put it bluntly, is to segregate certain groups of people and kill them off. The kind of people who would likely be eligible for the genocide would be those who have wronged society or who are unlikely to be of much use to humanity. I will list some potential groups below.
- Criminals
- Elderly
- Homeless
- Scroungers
- Severely Sick
To make it abundantly clear, I am not advocating humanity should go ahead with mass genocide. There are more ethically viable solutions to consider and explore after all. Not to mention, I believe the world would turn into absolute chaos if humanity resorted to warfare or genocide as a means to control the population.
According to the following video, there does appear to be a depopulation agenda with the mandatory wide-scale implementation of vaccines.
If the information contained within that video is accurate and the vaccinations go ahead, many will lose their lives. I am talking millions of people. On one hand, I agree that the world is overpopulated, and it is a problem, but vaccinating the populous to reduce human numbers is not something I can abide by. If you agree with the information contained in this post and video, please spread the message as far and wide as you are able.
3. Repopulate
If there is not enough space on planet Earth, then expand the horizons and distribute humanity elsewhere. This is one of the main draws with the increased efforts with regards to space travel and converting Mars into a habitual planet. The idea is good on paper, but how long will it take for it to become a feasible solution for managing the human population? Another avenue would be to try and find a way to populate the uninhabited regions of planet Earth. In Australia alone, there is a vast space of land in the centre of the country, which is virtually devoid of people. There are many other examples. The point is, make those spaces habitual and then distribute the human population to make the environment more sustainable on a global scale. Again, it seems decent in theory, but it could very well take too long to implement before the environment becomes irreparable.
4. Birth Control
In China, due to massive overpopulation, there are birth control laws in place to try and control population size. I think this should be implemented on a global level, even at the cost of infringing on human rights. I believe humanity forfeited the right for unbounded births ever since the human population skyrocketed to levels beyond sustainability. I realise it is unfair, especially for people who wish to have large families, but the fact is, overpopulation will be the death of the human race in the future if nothing is done about it now.
I believe we do need to put solutions into place to manage the global population. Still, we must be mindful of what kind of practices we put forward to ensure we are acting in harmony with the world, and a healthy balance is maintained.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.