Poisons of the World – Online Overuse

Commencing operation . . .
I don’t know about you, but I hadn’t been to dine at a restaurant since the back end of 2019. Once coronavirus swept the globe and lockdowns were instigated periodically, I imagine the aftermath of these things has now conditioned the populous into ordering in for food and buying products online. The trend had already been shifting away from going out to eat and purchasing items from physical stores, but the forced lockdowns have only solidified the change in behaviour to do everything online.
The Problem
The problem with utilising online methods for procurement is largely twofold. Due to the large scale impact of such behaviour, it has created a massive shift in power towards online only providers – Amazon likely being the largest benefiter of such a behavioural change. Small businesses and local stores stood very little chance of surviving during the pandemic, and many were forced to close shop due to the near unrelenting lockdowns shutting off all business traffic to physical locations.
The rich get richer, and the poor become poorer.
The second issue I have with this shift to online overuse is one of a more social nature. While I certainly appreciate a solitary lifestyle, I believe the lack of outdoor ventures has created a social disconnect amongst society, which is not healthy.
The wicked want to isolate the masses.
The Solution
With a temporary relief on the lockdowns, hopefully you have taken the opportunity to head outside at least a little. Dine out once in a while if you know a quality place and the prices are reasonable. Shop locally even if it is more expensive than ordering online. I do not think it will be good for the world in the long run if local businesses die out and Amazon and other online giants garner even more power.
I went out to eat over the bank holiday weekend with a couple of my university friends, and it was a good experience. Having not dined at a restaurant for so long, it made for a welcomed change over ordering food to be eaten in. The change in atmosphere and scenery can help in regulating a healthy mood and keep the mind awake and sharp.
So get out there while you can, before the next blasted lockdown occurs.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.