Poisons of the World – Introduction

Commencing operation . . .
Welcome to Poisons of the World, an article series where I strip bare and lay down the weaknesses of the world for all to read. The stark naked truth of the topics covered in this series is not for the faint of heart. It takes great courage to acknowledge your defilements and actively seek to remove them. Those of you with the strength of conviction to do so, carry on reading. As for the rest, you are advised to turn away and continue living as you have been. I am not one to tolerate weakness or mediocrity within myself nor anyone else. I believe in the enormous potential of humanity, but I am dismayed at the ever-increasing rate that humans have fallen into some form of degradation.
The rise of mental illnesses, the lack of physical well being, the fall of living standards among a myriad of other global epidemics. As well as the pharmaceutical and technological means of attempting to subjugate these issues through the ideology of a quick fix, which typically targets the overcasting symptoms but not the underlying cause of the problem. Take these pills, post on social media, binge on alcohol, and junk food. All for the sake of instant gratification which is fleeting at best. Like a ravaging illness, a single sub-optimal decision lays the breeding ground for an infestation of many others.
Lasting happiness can only be attained through sustained effort toward a meaningful end.
It is unfortunate that there is so much venom in this world and that most humans succumb to these poisons. A small dosage of these toxins is tolerable and possibly even beneficial, but far too often is the case that humans indulge to the point of self-sabotage. It is ludicrous — the demise by your own undoing. You are the problem. You are also the solution. It is up to you to take the responsibility of eliminating anything which hinders your potential from flourishing, as well as fortifying yourself with the means necessary to endure through the hardships of life. Yes, it is a responsibility, a call of duty if you will. Not only that, it is the greatest of ventures you could possibly undertake. For without a solid foundation, anything you try to build is liable to collapse.
The world desires greatness, but instead, it is littered with weak-willed people that are too soft. Those with formidable strength are far and few between. This cannot be allowed to continue lest the world spirals down deeper into the chasm of corruption. A great antagonist initiates every significant change or at the very least, is perceived as such. I will take up the mantle against the poisons of the world, and I invite all who are brave and daring enough to join the crusade. It takes but a single spark to light a fire and ignite the smouldering flames of revolution. I will lead by example. After all, one cannot inspire greatness upon others if he himself does not follow his own doctrine. Yes, my approach can tend towards ruthlessness. Exceedingly so at times. On the other side of Hell lies paradise. Mental resilience is only built by exposing the mind to stress. Likewise, physical durability can only be increased through regular exercise. There is no other way.
I am the antagonist that this world needs but also the one the world at large is not ready for nor ever will be. War will be waged against the weakness of the world, with an army or alone it matters not. I will fight for my principles until my last dying breath.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.