Mastermind – Seeking Motivation

Commencing operation . . .


Motivation is a fickle beast. It comes and goes as it pleases. You are far better off cultivating willpower as it will stand the test of time and can be relied upon if developed to a high standard. However, I understand that people sometimes need a good motivational push in the right direction to get going. In this article, I am going to teach you how to motivate yourself, so that you can continue to strive towards your goals, whatever they may be.

The Four Pinnacles of Motivation

Firstly, you need to understand that there are four significant pinnacles of motivation.

  1. Fear
  2. Pain
  3. Ambition
  4. Love

Your motivation will invariably be drawn from one of these four sources.

1. Fear

Remember the last time something scared you? I bet you took immediate action to rectify that situation! Fear will undoubtedly kick your rear into gear, and I advise you to transmute a seemingly negative emotion into decisive action. Such a philosophy of emotional transmutation is detailed in my book, Black Box.

Setting yourself short deadlines to raise the stakes is an effective manner of utilising fear to your advantage.

2. Pain

Similar to fear, no one wants to be in pain. Unless you are a masochist but let’s put that to one side. The perceived threat of pain will cause many to correct course. I was motivated through the use of physical force on more than one occasion as a child. At the dojo, a common reprimand is to do push-ups. After experiencing the pain, people are less likely to commit the crime a second time.

3. Ambition

Yes, for the sake of a dream, many will go to great lengths to achieve it! Having an end goal to strive towards can provide a great source of motivation when working the daily grind, especially if that goal resonates on a deep level. For me, my ultimate aim with Absolute Ascendancy is to create a social reform on a global scale. I believe there is a lot of unnecessary garbage and wasted potential currently, and I want to change that. This ambition of mine propels me forward on my journey, so you too should find something worth fighting for.

4. Love

Love has the power to move entire nations into action. Wars have been waged for the sake of love! Nothing motivates more strongly than the emotion of love – it is the most considerable motivating force on the planet. People in love will go to extraordinary lengths to try and place their presence near their romantic interest. I’ve been there, and I’ve seen and heard of stories of others who have gone the extra mile (literally in some cases) to spend more time with their flame.

The motivational power of love does not just apply to romance, however. Surely you can recall a time when you were doing something you loved, and it felt effortless? If you like what you do, it becomes easy to do. If you hate what you do, then you will struggle every single day. Align yourself so that you spend as much time as you can, working on things you love, and it will open doors to you in the future.


I always prioritise cultivating willpower over pursuing motivation. That being said, understanding how motivation arises can help you formulate circumstances where you can make the best use of such a skittish thing.

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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