Mastermind – Seven Life Skills

Commencing operation . . .
There are many life skills that all humans should possess to not only survive but also to thrive in any circumstances. I am going to list seven life skills that I have accumulated and believe it is of the utmost value for everyone to acquire.
- Information assimilation
- Self-Defence
- Swim
- Cook
- Organise
- Independence
- Cooperation
1. Information Assimilation
We live in the age of digital information where you can find anything you need to know via a quick internet search. Because knowledge is so widespread and easily accessible, the skill to process and assimilate the data in an easy to understand and usable format becomes valuable, to the point of making it to the list of life skills.
This is the new way of learning.
2. Self-Defence
Every human should, at the bare minimum, have a basic level of self-defence. I explain in much further detail the reasons why everyone should be able to defend themselves in this article.
3. Swim
Unless you plan to never go anywhere near a large body of water, you should know how to at least keep yourself afloat. Accidents happen, and drowning is a potentiality you want to avoid.
I admit that I am not the best of swimmers, but I can swim and tread water to stay afloat. Not to mention what if a friend of yours was drowning? Would you be forced to stand helplessly on the sideline as they die?
Learn to swim; it literally could save your life.
4. Cook
I have a friend who cannot cook, and it saddens me. The poor chap wouldn’t be able to survive on his own. One time he put an unopened tin of baked beans in the microwave. The result? A big bang and one unusable microwave.
Most manufactured food is garbage. I would always advise preparing your meals as much as possible. Natural ingredients are best.
If you are looking at a food product and you do not understand what the ingredients are, then I would highly suggest not purchasing it.
Consuming what you do not understand is a sure-fire recipe for disaster.
5. Organisation
Organise your space and your mind. Nothing can be accomplished while your surroundings and mind are filled with clutter. If you cannot maintain your living conditions, how can you expect to control anything else?
6. Independence
Independence is, without a shadow of a doubt, a life skill you must possess. Without individual capability, you are nothing more than a liability. If you heavily rely on others, you burden those people. You will not always have people around to support you.
You must learn to harness your power. You cannot reasonably expect to accomplish anything of great significance if you are living in a constantly connected world, full of needless distractions and wasted opportunities.
The sure-fire place to develop your strength is in solitude.
If you neglect this training and become too dependent on other people, you will find that sooner or later, there are some fights which can only be fought alone. When that time comes, if you have not developed your inner power, struggle greatly indeed you will.
7. Cooperation
Conversely, you must also learn to work together with others. While it is true, your most productive work will likely be behind closed doors in isolation, it is still imperative to have social connections. Family, friendships, and colleagues, all of these are of vital importance to have.
He who is most productive and able to win people over is the one who will progress furthest.
Seven life skills for you to continually work on and improve. Do you have any other life skills to add to the list? Let me know in the comments below.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.