Get Stretched – Resistance Bands

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I like to stretch with some added resistance to keep things interesting. These are useful for training with an elasticated resistance. Resistance bands are perfect to utilise with a stretching routine as the elasticated bands can allow for a wider range of motion as the bands are stretched.

They are light and easy to transport which makes them advantageous over standard weights when travelling or on the move. As a martial artist, this elasticated strength is important for striking as the attacking limbs can be compared to a whip. A whip is elasticated and loose until the moment of impact where the rope tightens. This same concept can be applied for striking, the attacking limb should be relaxed and loose until the point of impact.

They are also great for managing certain injuries as stretching with the bands will work the targeted area without placing too much stress. They are commonly prescribed by physiotherapists for rehabilitation exercises because resistance bands allow for low impact exercising.

There are two kinds of resistance bands; one is thin and shaped like a tube whereas the other is thicker but flat. Both are fantastic and each target different parts of the body more effectively than the other.

Tubular bands

These types of bands typically serve well for working the upper body. I love using mine to work away my shoulder pains. I anchor the bands to a solid surface then either pull the bands towards me or thrust them away from me; almost like I’m throwing a strike while holding them. You can change the angle of motion while pulling or pushing the bands to stretch your shoulders in different ways. The elasticated range of motion gives my shoulder joints a great stretch and alleviates the stiffness in them. I have also used these effectively along the vertical plane, either pulling them down towards me or standing on them and thrusting the ends upwards. Again, very effective for working the shoulders and arms.

Flat bands

Due to the size of these, they are generally much more effective at working the lower body. I like to place the band just above my ankles or below my knees and shadowbox – in a similar manner to using leg weights. The resistance caused by the bands is a good simulation for fighting when tired and your legs become less responsive. It becomes a mental battleground where I try and keep my movements fluid for as long as possible while my legs become increasingly fatigued. When the band is wrapped below my knees, I then include low and mid-level kicks into my shadowboxing routine. It’s not possible for me to throw head height kicks while banded and it’s not really required as there is plenty difficult enough kicking towards the mid-section.


I train with resistance bands each time I work out at home. They are fairly inexpensive compared to other exercising equipment on the market and the products I have linked above have served me well for years without breaking or any significant sign of wear. There are loads of different exercises and stretches you can do with the bands and I like to get creative and try new things with them. Give them a shot, especially if you are someone who always trains in a particular way. Mixing things up is a great way to stay motivated and keep you on your toes while training.

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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