Chronicles of the Overlord – Black Box

Commencing operation . . .
I am proud to present to you the completion of my first book, Black Box!
I wrote the bulk of it while in Australia visiting my family. The house I was living in for the majority of my time there was nestled within a woodland area. Coupled with the fact that my father had opted for a low usage internet package, restricted my online capabilities during my stay. Of course, I did plenty of outdoor activities while over there, but I do enjoy my computer time too.
Ultimately, the lack of online capability worked in my favour as it restricted me from using my computer time for more productive means. It better facilitated the environment, which allowed me to write Black Box and draft various blog posts behind the scenes in preparation for the launch of Absolute Ascendancy.
Lead Discussion
Black Box is a book that will transcend you from mediocrity to greatness. You do this by placing yourself in solitude, using my Black Box method.
Allow me to explain.
The current day and age is filled with a constant connectivity conundrum. People continuously use their smartphones, browse their social media sites, and partake in a whole assortment of nonsense activities, which ultimately result in nothing.
Why do people do this?
It is the single most significant factor behind the constant connectivity conundrum. All beings inherently want connection, but there are many people in the world today that cannot attain this desire through their day-to-day lives.
Therefore, they turn to technologies to fill the void for them, not realising that such measures are fleeting at best. This creates a never-ending vicious cycle whereby the user feels the need to continuously rely on their smartphones and social media to feel interlinked with others.
The nature that this type of connection provides, however, is a stopgap solution at best. Using technology to fulfil connectivity is like trying to fill a bucket with a massive hole inside. No matter how much time you spend trying to find connectivity through shallow interactions online or otherwise, in the end, just like the bucket, you will be left feeling empty inside.
There is a far more effective and lasting solution to the problem. Black Box is a means to take back control of your time, and your life from a world filled with rampant technologies, designed by corporations to plug you into their systems and keep you trapped there.
No more! Enough is enough!
Set yourself free and change your life for the better. You do not need to become a total loner or social recluse; the idea of my Black Box method is to restore the balance between connectivity with others and individuality through periodic seclusion. Both are important for any healthy human, but with the technological advances made in the last decade or so, this balance has shifted, and the damage caused has been widespread.
Yes, it is that devastating, it just is not obviously the case, given the subtle nature of the problem, in comparison to other global catastrophes. Seriously, next time you go out, have a good look around you and take note of the number of people fixated on their phones, trapped within their virtual worlds.
You cannot reasonably expect to accomplish anything of great significance if you are living in an always-connected world, full of needless distractions and wasted opportunities. The sure-fire place to develop your individual strength is in solitude.
Every single answer to every single problem you ever faced can be found within.
Unfortunately, with all the ever-present noise and distraction that permeates this world, many have lost the ability to seek out such solutions internally and have become over-reliant on the external world to fulfil their needs.
How I learned to Embrace Solitude
Growing up and even to the present day, I felt misunderstood at times, by society, by friends and even by family. In my younger years, this led to feelings of loneliness and the fear of being rejected by society for being radically different from the norm. I was always unusual and unorthodox and struggled to fit in with other people. This rift only grew as I aged. I was an outcast. Most of my peers wanted nothing to do with me. My friendships were few, and sometimes I felt disconnected even from them. At one point, my mother even said that she had no idea where I came from, with the implication that I was some sort of alien who somehow inhabited a human body.
I was also bullied a lot during my secondary educational years, which shunned me even further away from other people. It reached the point where I would spend my lunch break reading books or roaming the premises like a lost soul instead of trying to interact with the other students. “You have no friends” or “Nobody likes you.” Such phrases were commonly directed at me.
I have an older brother, and while growing up, I felt that my parents paid more attention to him because he was more athletic, had better grades, and was popular. At times, I felt neglected as I basically thought that he was better than me in every way. When I was very young, I remember sometimes hiding away in a closet and quietly crying away, overwhelmed by the sense of loneliness. Feelings of resentment, disappointment, and rage also accompanied me during those years, but there is no need to delve further into those emotions at this particular moment.
All of the above forced me to learn to appreciate my own company at an early age, in a crash course manner. It took time, but eventually, I was able to find true solace in solitude. I was able to develop an intimate connection with my inner working mind. I no longer needed to seek validation from others. I was perfectly content to simply do my own thing and march to my own rhythm. I came to terms with all that happened in the past, and whilst I will probably always be a bit of an outcast, an unconventional fellow, it no longer bothers me. In fact, I appreciate it. It is what defines my uniqueness within this world.
The Present
I have been using the various elements contained within my Black Box method for over twenty years. An environment of isolation is where the best work is accomplished. When you place yourself within the Black Box, you ruthlessly kill all interference. When this happens, you enter a state where the magic of productivity permeates through you and with it, the ability to accomplish many great things.
I learned at a very young age not to waste my time and efforts on those undeserving and instead to focus it on the one person who deserves it most.
Even though I spend much of my time alone, I appreciate all of the wonderful things and great people I have in my life. In fact, because I take the necessary time out to tend to my needs, the quality of my connections with others is greater than what it would be if I spent too much time with them.
What the Book Contains
20,000+ words, spanning across over 130 pages in PDF format, detailing various strategies and methods to incorporate periodic solitude into your life, by using my Black Box method.
You will learn how to implement my Black Box method strategically on your own and also tactically while you are out and about. No matter where you are, you can benefit from the practices outlined in my Black Box method.
Black Box is also partly autobiographical. I have written about occurrences in my life that I have left untold until now. Some of these instances are fairly embarrassing, but over the years, I have slowly learned to let go of my ego.
But you call yourself the Overlord; your ego must be huge!
Baby steps matey, baby steps. I involuntarily took a crash course in solitude and was rewarded with numerous benefits.
- Lessen your reliance on others
- Become comfortable being with yourself
- Clear the mind
- Develop the relationship with yourself
- Connect to the void of infinite potential
- Remove yourself from any undesirable situations
- Attain mastery of control over your emotions
My Black Box method is a complete package which if followed correctly, will enable you to enjoy all of the benefits listed above and more.
Is Black Box for You?
- Do you wish to live life on your terms?
- Do you want to learn new things rapidly?
- Do you desire freedom from a constantly connected world?
I take great pride in the work I produce. Absolute Ascendancy is a brand for those aiming for the top. I would never promote or sell a product or service which did not meet my extremely high standards. No amount of financial temptation would change my mind. Absolute Ascendancy is and always will be an integral brand.
If you read the book, apply the concepts, and put in the effort, then I guarantee results Black Box or your money back. Black Box is not for the faint of heart, but my Black Box method is doable for anyone IF THEY DO THE FOLLOWING THREE THINGS.
- Consistently do the work
- Eliminate the waste
- Strive for excellence
Black Box is an action book, which means you not only need to read the material but also apply the concepts detailed within. It should take you a few weeks or a month at the latest, but I will grant you 60 days to apply my Black Box method to gain the results you seek. If, in that period, you are dissatisfied, contact me for a refund, no questions asked.
At the end of the day, if Black Box does not transform your life, then the blame lies with me. Either my Black Box method did not work out for you, or I failed to correctly motivate you to actually put the effort in.
I am not perfect. I make mistakes just like everyone else. I do not, however, make mistakes with my products. You had better believe that I put my heart and soul into the products I create, to transform lives.
Try Black Box risk free. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
- I do not like being alone
- People always want my time
- I am too busy for solitude
Time to debunk them.
1. I do not like being alone
You are not the only one who feels that way. There are many others out there who share your sentiments. However, do you not think that loneliness in and of itself is a weakness that should be addressed and rectified?
If you live your life continually clinging to others, you will burden them and become a liability. A superior solution is to find solace in solitude as I have done. Learn to find comfort in solitary existence.
There are some fights which can only be fought alone. When that time comes, if you have not developed your own inner power, struggle greatly indeed you will.
2. People always want my time
Nothing can be accomplished in a world full of distractions. If you have things you wish to achieve, you must learn to shut out the external world so you can focus inward.
People want more connectivity; there is social pressure to do more. People believe that by doing more, they are getting more out of life, but this is not always true. Sometimes by doing less, you can achieve more. By connecting with others less frequently, you can improve the overall quality of time spent when you are connected.
Disconnect with others to reconnect with yourself.
3. I am too busy for solitude
So much to do and so little time. What if I told you your productivity could increase sky fold if you learned my Black Box method? I am willing to say that every time you want to set out and accomplish a task, you get distracted.
How many times were you fired up to accomplish something but succumbed to constant distractions from your smartphone instead?
How many times have you wanted to start a big project, but chose to binge on social media?
How many times have you wanted to learn a new skill but decided to go out partying, wasting your life away?
More times than you would like to admit.
Every time you want to achieve something, opposition presents itself in the form of a craving for short term pleasure. A dopamine rush is the single greatest killer of creativity. This world has been wired up to thwart any long term goals you have by continually feeding you pleasures that are fleeting at best. Every time you feed on dopamine, you kill your potential. Not only that, but you likely feel worse off shortly afterwards.
Only through constructive effort toward a meaningful end is lasting happiness attained.
Becoming trapped in the dopamine cycle is a sure-fire way to spiral into the dregs of mediocrity and get nothing done.
Find time for my Black Box method, and you will suddenly find you can make time for all of the projects, tasks, and other things you wish to accomplish in your life.
Why purchase Black Box?
Can’t I just find the information for free online?
All of the information contained within Black Box technically is out there and can be found for free. However, the sum of the parts which comprise my Black Box method is unique.
Nothing else like it exists.
I know this because I have looked extensively to see whether I could find a similar book. My search turned up empty.
If you are sick of feeling lonely, getting pulled in multiple directions in a constantly connected world, or struggling to get anything done, then Black Box is for you. If you have read articles to deal with loneliness but still feel lonely, then that flags up only one thing.
In fairness, it is not as if all of the suggestions you find online is bad. There is lots of good advice around if you know where to look.
The real problem is you.
Until you decide you want to live a free life, unbound by needless distractions with the determination to stop at nothing until you have it, you will crumble at every obstacle that comes your way.
You need to up the ante. Raise the stakes. Throw your chips down.
Buy my book, and you have now made a financial commitment to attaining solace in solitude. If you fail to follow through with your undertaking, you will be down £20. Should that happen, please ask for a refund as I have no interest in weak-willed people who are not serious about building themselves up and beyond what they currently are.
I only want people to buy my book if they know that they can be so much more than what they currently are — people who strive for excellence.
The success you attain in integrating solitude into your life will transition into all other areas. What chance do you have in developing meaningful relations with other people if you cannot even be comfortable on your own?
Once you are disciplined in solitude, you will have the mental fortitude and resilience to conquer all other avenues. You will be able to power through any challenge life throws your way with a steadfast assurance rather than becoming crippled with loneliness.
Because once you have mastered the relationship with yourself, you can conquer anything else.
Black Box is a complete package. It contains everything that you need to know to integrate periodic solitude into your life.
There has been a part of me that has wanted to write a book for a long time. Probably since my university days, after writing my dissertation, I had wanted to write one, but it fell to the wayside while working full time and training regularly.
It was not until my contract ended with my previous employer, and I decided to take an extended vacation that I had freed up ample time to get my thoughts down onto paper and write my first book.
I love reading, and I had a desire to throw my own book out there to add to the world’s collection. I also wanted to write about the power of solitude because I think it is an oft-overlooked source of strength in today’s hectic world.
I am pleased that I have managed to complete the work, and as this is a very memorable moment for me, I have decided to include a short piano performance to celebrate the occasion.
Despite the name of the song, Empty Loneliness, I instead think it is a rather pleasant theme to listen to. It’s from one of my favourite video games of all time, Valkyria Chronicles. One of the most memorable moments when this theme plays is in the mission where the protagonist (the commander) and his second are separated from the rest of the squad by a mortar blast, and they have to find their way back.
I will tell you this. I did not learn to play while having my phone beside me and continually getting interrupted by messages; neither did I learn to play while hung-over at some nightclub, wasting away.
It was the endless grind and work ethic only attainable within solitude that allowed me to develop the skill to a decent standard within a matter of months of regular practice. The truth is if you want to become skilled at any craft, you are going to have to spend a majority of your learning time by yourself, slugging away at it. Indeed, you can seek advice from others when needed, but ultimately it is time you spend alone diligently honing your abilities that will distinguish yourself from the rest.
At the dojo, it is obvious to see which people only train there and which go above and beyond and take their practice to that next level by finding additional time outside the dojo to train. It is the difference between the talented who quit when the going gets tough, and the initially mediocre that attain true mastery of prowess at any given subject, by sticking it out and applying consistency to their approach.
I hope you enjoyed the performance.
If you are ready to attain self-mastery, then buy Black Box now!
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.