Best Eats – Strawberries Vs Blueberries

fruits, blueberries, strawberry

Commencing operation . . .


In the blue corner, the reigning champion, weighing in at three-quarters of a gram, is the blueeeeeeeberrrrryyyyy! And our challenger, in the red corner, weighing in at seven grams, the strawwwwwberrrrrry!

I will tell you right now, that I would not want to be the blueberry in a fight against an opponent who weighs almost ten times as much! Fortunately for the blueberry, this is a fight where weight has practically no bearing on the outcome of the match.  

Strawberries Vs Blueberries


Strawberries possess more vitamin C than Blueberries, but Blueberries contain more vitamin A, and K. Strawberries have almost twice as much potassium as blueberries. Still, blueberries contain nearly five times as much sodium. Otherwise, the two are very similar.


Blueberries contain twice as much sugar as strawberries when comparing identically weighted servings. Having said that blueberries do possess properties which can reduce the risk of type II diabetes, but if you are really concerned with your sugar intake, then strawberries get a leg up on this point.


Following from the above, blueberries contain almost twice as many calories as strawberries. Still, in either case, the numbers are low, so this point should not be a significant impact when it comes to berry preference.


Blueberries contain significantly more antioxidants than strawberries, and they win this section hands down.


Blueberries are also unique with regards to their overall properties, whereas a lot of the content contained in strawberries can be obtained through eating alternative foods.


Both strawberries and blueberries possess a myriad of health benefits to the point where you can almost choose which one you want to eat based on taste preferences. Recently I have been having both with my morning porridge which has been working out nicely for me. My personal opinion leans towards blueberries; however, due to their unique properties and antioxidant profile, but honestly, why choose one when you can have both?

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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