Best Eats – Radishes

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I’ve been looking for a salad substitute to accompany my lunch recently. Salad greens are great, but as the seasons change, I like to see what new foods become available. I noticed my local supermarket had added radishes to the grocery aisle. I stood there pondering to myself while gazing at these intriguing red bulb-shaped vegetables.

The only occasions where I ever ate radishes were usually at an Indian restaurant, where they were often thinly chopped into many Indian culinary dishes. I had never purchased my own radishes before so figured why the heck not and grabbed a bag of them, leaves and all.

Read below the following 10 radish benefits.

10 Radish Benefits

  1. Nutritionally Vast
  2. Heart Protection
  3. Prevents Diabetes
  4. Boosts Immunity
  5. Increases Hydration
  6. Improves Digestion
  7. Prevents Cancer
  8. Aids Kidneys
  9. Supports Liver
  10. Improves Skin
1. Nutritionally Vast

For something that can be quite small in size, radishes pack a nutritional punch! They contain a myriad of vitamins – A, B6, C, E, and K. They are also high on potassium, various antioxidants, fibre, zink, phosphorous, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron and manganese. All of which are scientifically proven to support the human body in some function.

2. Heart Protection

Radishes put in a lot of work when it comes to keeping the heart healthy. They contain anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid which helps protect against cardiovascular diseases. Potassium helps regulate blood flow which can lower blood pressure. Collagen supports blood vessels as well and helps prevent atherosclerosis. Radishes are also known to boost production of nitric oxide, which is known to help relax blood vessels.

3. Prevents Diabetes

Radishes contain compounds which reduce the risk of type II diabetes. Radishes themselves boast a low glycaemic level which means consuming them won’t negatively affect blood sugar levels. On top of this, radishes can help regulate the amount of sugar that is assimilated into the bloodstream, and thus lower blood sugar levels. They essentially improve insulin response rates and glucose metabolism.

4. Boosts Immunity

With a high vitamin C and water content, radishes can increase resilience against viruses by boosting immune function and reducing body temperature. One of the most common funguses found in the human body, and one of the most difficult to fight off, can be eliminated through regular radish consumption, as it contains an antifungal compound.

5. Increases Hydration

Consuming raw radishes reminds me somewhat of cucumbers which makes sense as they both share ridiculously high water content – 93% and 95% respectively.

6. Improves Digestion 

Rich in fibre, radishes – particularly the leaves – are known to support digestive functions. They are also good at stimulating bile production, which is vital to good digestive health. It has buffer properties in that it can neutralise pH levels in the stomach, and is useful in general for dealing with gastric problems.

7. Prevents Cancer

Radishes are loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids, as well as vitamin C and folic acid. All of these things aid combat against cancerous cells, by causing the cells to self-destruct, as well as preventing cancerous cells from forming in the first instance.

8. Aids Kidneys

Radishes increase urine production as they are highly diuretic. Urination is a process of eliminating waste from the body – particularly the kidneys. Healthy urination also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.

9. Supports Liver

There are not many foods out there which can provide support to liver and gall bladder functions. Radishes are one of them, however. They regulate bile and bilirubin in the blood, which can prevent infections and ulcers from forming in those areas.  

10. Improves Skin

The vitamin C, zinc and phosphorous content in radishes all help nourish the hair and skin. These compounds can help prevent acne, rashes, and hair loss from occurring. Radishes also help protect against damage from UV rays, which is excellent timing as radishes are usually available for consumption in the summer.


Radishes pack a serious punch! Although the leaves are not as tasty as other green leaves such as spinach and lettuce, they hold a lot of goodness in them, so try to consume them as well as the bulb. I eat the whole thing raw, dipped in olive oil, but it can help to cook the leaves particularly, to give them a bit more texture.

Summer is the best time to eat these temperature reducing vegetables, so go out and give radishes a try!

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