Best Eats – 12 Cashew Nut Benefits

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Cashews are kidney-shaped nuts that grow on a plant originating from Brazil. They made their way over to India via traders and have thrived there ever since. Cashew nuts belong to the Anacardiaceae family shared with mangoes and pistachios. The nuts grow underneath Cashew apples!

12 Cashew Nut Benefits


  1. Nutritious
  2. Heart Health
  3. Blood Health
  4. Bone Health
  5. Eye Protection
  6. Weight Loss
  7. Cancer Prevention
  8. Nerve Relaxation
  9. Prevent Diabetes
  10. Increases Immunity
  11. Muscle Development
  12. Skin Health
1. Nutritious

Cashews are highly nutritious, containing lots of essential minerals such as copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamins C, B, E, and K.

2. Heart Health

Nuts, in general, tend to have cholesterol-lowering effects on the body, which helps in maintaining a happy and healthy heart. Cashew nuts, in particular, help lower LDL cholesterol while simultaneously increasing the capacity for HDL cholesterol. They are among the lowest fat content nuts around. Cashew nuts contain oleic acid, which reduces triglyceride levels in the body, again promoting a healthy heart.

3. Blood Health

The copper content in cashew nuts plays a crucial role in the elimination of free radicals within the body. It also aids in maintaining strong, elasticated blood vessels as well as boosting the metabolism of iron in the body to produce more red blood cells.

4. Bone Health

Copper and magnesium both help the bones in our body. Copper promotes healthy joint movement between bones and magnesium aids in the regular maintenance of the general structure of each bone. Phosphorus found in cashew nuts also assists in the healthy development of bones and teeth.

5. Eye Protection

Cashews contain an antioxidant pigment known as Zea Xanthin, which protects the eyes against macular degeneration and from ultraviolet rays, by forming a protective barrier above the retina.

6. Weight Loss

Cashew nuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids which speed up metabolism and allows the body to burn off excess fat at a higher rate. In comparison to other nuts, Cashews stand out as being more nutritious and filling, which aids in reducing food cravings.

7. Cancer Prevention

Cashews contain high amounts of selenium, proanthocyanidins (types of flavanols), and antioxidants such as anacardic acids, cardanols, and cardols. All of these are beneficial in cancer prevention by suppressing tumorous cells from multiplying.

8. Nerve Relaxation

Magnesium also aids in relaxing the nerves throughout the body by preventing too much calcium from passing through to the nerves. Calcium serves as a nerve stimulant, and magnesium helps block calcium from over activating the nerves.

9. Prevent Diabetes

Cashew nuts can reduce systolic blood pressure levels in the body. Again, this is mostly in part due to the magnesium content in cashews. They also contain no sugar and no harmful cholesterol, making them a safe choice for diabetic people to consume.

10. Increases Immunity

Cashew nuts contain zinc, which is used by the body to strengthen the immune system against microbial infections and heal wounds.

11. Muscle Development

The protein and magnesium content in cashew nuts help to promote strong, elasticated muscle growth.

12. Skin Health

Copper also aids in skin health by manufacturing various enzymes such as melanin, which is a pigment found in the skin and hair. Collagen also produced via copper assists in ensuring the skin and hair remain elastic. Cashew nuts contain many other substances that enhance skin health, such as selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.


Come to think of it, my diet doesn’t consist of many nuts. I have almond milk with my morning porridge and cashew nuts with my curry. Nuts are healthy for you, but ensure you consume them in moderation as an overdose will do you more harm than good.

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