Poisons of the World – The Coronavirus

Commencing operation . . .
How bad is it?
Should you be living in fear or have things blown out of proportion?
Okay, so I want to talk a bit about the Coronavirus in this article. My opinions, my recommendations, and overall where I stand with regard to the Coronavirus. I do want to make it clear that I am not a medical professional, and that my views are my own.
The Coronavirus
Firstly, I find it foolish how easily some people panic and overreact to things. The Coronavirus being the latest example of which I refer. All of this paranoia is mostly unfounded. Click here to see the latest statistics of the Coronavirus outbreak.
I reside in the United Kingdom, and the current statistics (numbers could change rapidly however) show that the death rate is around 1 percent, and is similar across all countries at a glance.
And yet, so many people are significantly changing their lifestyles, fearing for their very lives, when in reality, the threat is being blown out of proportion by the government and media.
Look, I get it.
People have died from the Coronavirus, and I can understand how that can make people panicky. But if people were more rational, they would realise that the overall threat is minuscule in the grand scheme of things.
Fewer people are turning up to the dojo where I train. International sporting events are being cancelled, theme parks are closing down, and school is out. In most recent developments, the government has now issued a social distancing lock down on the country. The whole thing is absurd, in my opinion.
People are desperately clinging to their lives due to a largely non-lethal threat.
My Recommendation
Live your damn life, for goodness sake! All of this paranoia is mostly unfounded.
If the virus is going to get you, it will.
No matter how much toilet paper, hand sanitiser, and self-isolating you do. The Coronavirus is not something you can simply run or hide from. It is highly infectious yes, and is particularly dangerous to the elderly and those who do not have strong immune systems. The government should therefore take precautions towards them, which do not affect everyone else. Only place high risk category people in isolation, rather than dragging the entire country into lock-down!
It makes virtually no difference.
Think about it for a second. Cigarettes are supposed to slowly kill you right? Yet some people can smoke all their life and be relatively healthy in their later years. On the other end of the scale, perfectly healthy people can die prematurely. A combination of genetics and environmental factors are usually the cause in both examples.
My point is people can take every single precaution they can think of, and still get infected by the Coronavirus. On the other hand, individuals can continue to live their lives harmoniously and escape the clutches of the virus.
Given the above, how would you rather live your life during these times?
- Scared and paranoid of something that might not even come to pass
- Live boldly, continuing your life as usual
I am in the second camp. There is scientific evidence that your mental state can affect your immune system. Negativity in the mind causes greater susceptibility to becoming infected. If you believe you will catch the Coronavirus, it increases your chances that you will. Should you live your life in a constant state of panic and fear of the Coronavirus, you subconsciously invite the very thing you are trying to guard against.
If, however, you live your life free from restraint, your positive mindset will reinforce your immune system, and thereby reduce the risk of infection.
Believe me, if I catch the Coronavirus, I am not going to be in regret.
If only I had more toilet paper . . .
Stuff that. My thoughts would be more along the lines of.
Damn RNG screwing me over! Guess my luck has run out . . .
Seriously though, maintain what should already be a high standard of hygiene. Continue to exercise regularly to keep your body healthy. Take vitamin C and echinacea to help support your immune system. Beyond these things, I would have continued to live life as I had been doing had the lock down not been put in place.
It is not so much the Coronavirus that I have a problem with, but rather the mass panic that has spread among the people. Harbouring fear and paranoia will do more to shorten your lifespan in the long run, than a highly improbable, potentially immediate threat like the Coronavirus.
Accept that much of life is beyond your control.
No matter how much you try and guard against the Coronavirus if it is going to get you, it will. Be at peace with that fact and continue to live your life as best you can; then you will have no regrets no matter what happens.
One of the greatest military leaders during the 16th Century in Japan says it best.
“Those who cling to life die, and those who defy death live.”
– Uesugi Kenshin
Defy death and live!
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.
Glad to know I am not the only one who feels this way.
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Hello SA, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I understand that the virus is potentially lethal and has impacted many people. Statistically speaking, however, only a small amount of people have died in comparison to the global populous. I believe the government has overreacted, and the vast majority of people moreso.
I agree that slowing down the spread of the virus is hypothetically ideal, but do not agree with putting the entire country in lockdown. I believe it would have been better to place ‘high risk’ people under lockdown and allowed the rest of the country to carry on.
I admit the cigarette analogy was not the best (I do not smoke), but I truly believe that those with the mentality and desire to live will do so, despite what may be seen as staggering odds.
As stated at the beginning of the article, this is my personal opinion, and while I do not fully agree with the current lockdown situation, I have obeyed it.
I invite you to take a look at the following article, it may be of interest to you, given the current circumstances.
Once again, thank you for your feedback. It is appreciated.
For better or worse, I am an idealist at heart, and yes, definitely a rock and hard place situation for decision making. I do not believe there is one correct solution that stands above all else concerning the coronavirus, and I appreciate that the government is doing what they feel is best to manage the circumstances – hence obeying their instruction. They very well may have considered the possibility of a high-risk lockdown, but after realising how broad and unknown such a group could be, decided instead to go into full lockdown. If I were 100% against what the government was doing, I would be less likely to act on their advice. There is a line between blind obedience and following authority.
I would argue that the lockdown (and media) has caused a surge of panic to sweep the nation, but this is a problem with the general public moreso than anything else. Even before the lockdown was put in place, people were panic buying, so I believe, as a society, we need to step our game up as reacting in fear is a fruitless endeavour. Locking down the country has unfortunately increased panic/anxiety/fear levels within the populous, which could bring disaster in the coming months – another reason I think locking down the entire country wasn’t the best choice.
I read an article about the Sweden situation around a week ago I think it was, and in any case, I am going to be really interested to see how things pan out over the coming weeks/months between Sweden and the UK. To answer your trillion-dollar question, if I had it my way, it would have been weeks ago, but right now is the next best thing. Again though, strictly my own opinion and as I said earlier, it will be interesting to see how things in Sweden develop in comparison to the rest of the world.
You know, I used to strongly favour my logical side, when it came to making decisions and life choices. I graduated with a first-class honours degree in Mathematics and would lean toward rationality and logical reason to navigate through life. In more recent years, I am learning to rely more on my creativity, my gut instinct, and the power of the unseen to guide me. That is not to say that I have abandoned my mathematics, but I am trying to bring balance within myself. There have been times in my life where cold, hard logic and facts simply did not provide the solutions I was seeking. When these things fell short, I needed to find other alternatives to push forward. Anyway, I think I am getting too philosophical, but my preference these days is to try and balance logic and creativity to see me through.
Many thanks for this conversation. I enjoyed it! I also wish you and yours the best of health. You are welcome back here anytime – take care.
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