Mastermind – Prediction

Commencing operation . . .
We live in a world filled with almost infinite possibilities. It becomes prudent to know how to navigate your way safely through the myriad of choices you will inevitably make as you progress through your life. There may not be any sure-fire way of knowing with complete certainty what will happen as, after all, everything is uncertain.
Absolutely everything.
Even things that you are sure to know are valid, such as the sun rising on each day, may suddenly, without warning, change. At any given time for reasons that may be beyond human comprehension. It sounds terrifying when you think about it, doesn’t it? Relax though. Let’s focus more on what we can do with regards to predicting our way through the multiverse of infinite possibilities.
Mathematicians use mathematical modelling techniques to try and simulate specific outcomes based on various inputted data. They also use the same kind of principle to forecast the future based on previous data. This idea of prediction is not limited to Mathematicians and their scientific modelling. You can perform such calculations in your mind (generally on a subconscious level) concerning the various situations and circumstances which occur in your life.
The more life experiences you gain, the better your predictive abilities will be for any particular field. For example, the person who has worked multiple jobs over the years will undoubtedly have a better understanding of the type of role they would like to perform in the future compared to someone who has never worked before. Likewise, someone who has dated multiple people will have a better idea of what qualities they look for in a potential partner rather than someone who hasn’t dated. Just as a Mathematician refines the model as more data is assimilated, so you too will adopt your opinions as you gain more life experiences. This skill of apparent foresight is one that can be trained. This is done by developing insight and honing the instinct.
Next opportunity you get, try and predict something. Anything. An example can be the number of letters you believe you will receive in the post when the next delivery arrives. I think a lot of this type of analysis is conducted in the subconsciousness of the mind, but the more you actively bring this to the forefront of attention, the better developed your insight will become.
Instinct is a trait commonly associated with animals, so to develop it, look to learn from these creatures. Sports are a great way to sharpen instinct. The emotions comprising of the competitive drive blend to harness the power of the instinct. Occasionally when I am fighting or sparring against someone, my mind will notify me with absolute certainty what to do to land a clean shot or flawlessly evade an attack. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it feels pretty good when it does occur.
Once your predictive abilities are sharpened, you will have a sixth sense of the situations that occur in your life. You will know what to embrace and what to avoid even when there is seemingly no threat.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.