Mastermind – Setting and Smashing Goals

Commencing operation . . .
Mastermind – Setting and Smashing Goals
It’s the beginning of a new year and decade. I hope you have your targets all lined up for the year ahead! If not, then this article is for you.
Throughout my life, I have met all manner of people who fail to best utilise their potential. I have interacted with individuals who were far more intelligent or talented than me but fell off the mark.
Because consistent hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard!
I am fortunate that such persistence pays dividends as it gives people like me a fighting chance in this world. I started at the bottom and had to crawl my way up. Slowly but surely, over many years, my abilities began to flourish. Enforced by my unwavering determination, I transformed.
I started rising through the ranks and surpassing those who were once superior to me. The hardworking ethic that I developed at a young age has carried me through to great heights. You want to learn how to set and smash goals? I will show you the way.
Goal Setting
The first thing you need to know about goal setting is to understand both points A and B. If ‘A’ represents where you currently are, and ‘B’ is where you want to go, then in order to get from A to B, you must know both A and B. Goal setting utilises the exact principles as map reading.
You must know your current position as well as your destination if you wish to reach it.
You should always have one headline objective and multiple sub-goals that direct you towards your primary target. For example, let’s say that by the end of 2020, you want to get into the best shape of your life.
It would be best if you broke this goal down into quarterly targets, which are then further subsidised into monthly objectives. If you wish, you can set weekly and daily goals, but I tend to use monthly targets as my minimum period.
In this manner, you can track your progress at regular intervals to know whether your efforts are on target or wavering. You then have ample time to correct course as needed, so there should be no surprises as you near judgement day. You should be prime positioned to nail a bulls-eye as the deadline nears.
Goal Smashing
Once you have laid out your map and created your battle plan, it is time to take IMMEDIATE ACTION in the accomplishment of your first milestone towards your headline objective.
Strike now while the iron is hot. Procrastination is the DEATH of many a dream. Commit consistent effort, and you will get there. Persist through adversity, and you cannot be stopped. It is that simple, yet so many people fall to the wayside once they are met with opposition.
Remember this well if you wish to attain greatness in any calling.
There is nothing complicated about setting and smashing goals. If you want something badly enough, you will do whatever it takes to get there and stop at nothing until you achieve victory.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.