Gaming Zone – Twilight Imperium Matches 2

Commencing operation . . .
We managed to fit in two six-player games of Twilight Imperium this month, which will be detailed below. Special thanks to The_AV8R for providing the maps we used for our matches.
We chose to play to 14 points instead of 10 as we agreed we wanted to be able to see more of the Stage II objectives going forward. We also scrapped the ban system for this month as a few of us felt that it was ruining the fun of the game a little. We may reinstate the banning system in the coming months, however. So the rules we used for this month for the initiative order were as follows.
- Highest dice roll claims Speaker and then descending draft order.
- In reverse drafting order, choose an initiative number from 1 to 6. 1 means you pick the first faction, whereas 6 allows you first pie slice pick.
- Pie slices are picked in reverse initiative order (6 to 1).
- Factions are chosen in initiative order.
Game One
Races Listed in Initiative Order
- Mentak Coalition – Very Bottom
- Universities of Jol-Nar – Bottom Right
- Winnu – Top Left (with turn 1 Speaker)
- Ghosts of Creuss – Top Right
- Embers of Muaat – Very Top
- Yin Brotherhood – Bottom Left
(Read in reverse to see which pie slices got picked first)
I was finally able to represent the Embers of Muaat, my all-time favourite race in a six-player game of Twilight Imperium. I chose to start at the very top as it was adjacent to the Supernova tile. My second preference would have been to start top left, as I could have moved toward the Supernova and set up a forward base, adjacent to it.
My starting position worked out well as the Winnu ended up starting to my right, meaning that for the first round, I would be taking the second strategy card. The Winnu player randomly determined his race, the poor sod.
Narration and Game Highlights
This narrative is going to be a loose account of what I can remember from the seven-hour game. Events are roughly in chronological order, but the specific turns of which things happened is a blur. Of all the revealed agendas, there was just one which was significantly impactful on the game, so I only included that one into the galactic council meeting.
Put the following song on repeat as you read to enhance the epic!
With all that said, I hope you enjoy the narrative!
Race Representatives
- Mentak Coalition – Erwan’s Hand, Captain Ceil
- Universities of Jol-Nar – The Headmaster, Doctor Rin, Doctor Sucuban
- Winnu – Leader Muad Di Faruuq, The Winnu Councillor
- Ghosts of Creuss – Emissary Taivra, Emissary Meian
- Embers of Muaat – High Fire Warden Sushon Azh, Fire Warden Magmus, Fire Warden Umbat
- Yin Brotherhood – The Elder Brother, Brother Lucas, Brother Milor
Round One Strategy Cards
- Winnu – Technology
- Embers of Muaat – Warfare
- Ghosts of Creuss – Leadership
- Universities of Jol-Nar – Politics
- Mentak Coalition – Trade
- Yin Brotherhood – Construction
In a galaxy not unlike our own, six great races vie to become the next galactic emperor . . .
One might expect that a civilisation descended entirely from convicts, exiles, and revolutionaries would be corrupt and lawless, but the Mentak has developed a rich, if somewhat vague, code of honour. Helped by their Hylar brothers, the coalition has made great progress in advancing their technological status.
Although publicly denied by Mentak ambassadors, the Mentak employ a vast pirating fleet which wreaks havoc among merchant shipping lanes and smaller military convoys. Although now an educated culture and civilisation in their own right, the Mentak people have never forgotten their roots as rogues and usurpers.
Every Mentak feels a historical need for revenge: revenge against a galaxy that shipped their ancestors to torture and rot on Moll Primus centuries ago. The Table of Captains has given their Hand a clear mandate: to scheme, pillage, and conquer until the ruled are rulers and the enslaved are emperors.
“One people. One mind. One destiny. We will rise above the pit they have thrown us in.” – Erwan Mentak, Founder of the Coalition
The Hylar technologies which have become so widespread across the galaxy represent a mere fraction of the Universities’ advanced capabilities. As a new age nears, the Hylar once more strive for the influence they feel they have earned. The Circle of Regents has secretly decided that the Hylar must take the place of the Lazax in governing and advancing a new united galaxy.
Under their mandate, the Headmaster has begun building his forces, and Jol-Nar diplomats and engineers have started appearing among the other civilisations in large numbers, appearing friendly, but with hidden agendas. Soon the Headmaster will make his claim for the empire, and the galaxy will enter an age of technological advancement and intellectual achievement.
“We cannot halt progress for the sake of morality. If you have not the stomach for science, then I suggest you depart Wun-Escha immediately.” – Doctor Sucaban
Traditionalists to the core, the Winnu decree that it is their sovereign right to reign in the world left behind by the Lazax. Haughty and ambitious, the Winnu are prepared to unite the galaxy – by force if necessary. Building massive fleets, eerily reminiscent of ancient Lazax designs, and training massive invasion forces, the Winnu are intent on returning true Lazax culture to the galaxy.
(1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser, 2 Fighters, 2 Infantry, 1 PDS, and 1 Space Dock)
“We will claim what is ours by right, cousins. We will fulfil the destiny of those who came before us, and your treachery will not be forgotten.” – Muad Di Faruuq
The Ghosts of Creuss have shown themselves to be perfectly civilised, polite, and masters of many strange sciences and materials. Yet, they’re also regarded as exceptionally secretive, ritualistic, and prickly on a wide range of matters.
Historically, many renowned adventurers have expressed interest in exploring Sharleri space. Historically, those people died shortly thereafter under questionable circumstances.
It’s generally undecided whether their behaviour is one to be expected of a race so recently introduced to the material galaxy, or whether these are signs that something more ominous lurks beneath their brooding metal helmets.
“We do not mean to offend the honoured ambassador. We mean only to imply that should his ship attempt to pass through the gate, it will not return.” – Emissary Taivra
The Fire Wardens of the Gashlai emerged shortly after the people of Muaat freed themselves from the oppressive grip of the Hylar. Ambitious and powerful, each Fire Warden carries with him the hopes and dreams of his people. The High Fire Warden Sushon Azh has simultaneously sent forth Gashlai ambassadors to all the great races in the distinctive gold-bronze frigates of the Gashlai.
Yet one such ambassador did not arrive in a frigate. As the Gashlai ambassador assigned to the Jol-Nar sailed past the Garian star and began his approach to Jol, the Headmasters paled in fear, for this representative arrived in a War Sun, a copy of their own ancient designs. The message was not wasted on the Headmasters. Their former slaves had become formidable, and they had not forgotten, or forgiven the past.
Led by the Fire Wardens, the Gashlai are resolved to never be enslaved again. Inside their golden Ember suits they burn with ambition. The Jol-Nar fear what the rest of the galaxy is about to learn: that the Embers of Muaat intend to bring their fire to the furthest reaches of space, burning the unwilling into submission.
“No longer will the Gashlai be shackled by your whims. Be extinguished, now, and know that you have lost.” – Fire Warden Umbat
The progeny of Darien and Moyin are a zealous people. Devoutly religious, their devotion is overshadowed only by their loyalty to their brothers. The oldest of the Blessed, the Elder Brother, intimately understands the emotions and aspirations of all his brothers. Intent and unified, the Brotherhood now builds a vast fleet with which to bring Darien’s legacy and the light of Yin to the Imperial Throne itself.
“A-ah! You mistake me for a human; that we share the blood of Jord. I am no son of humanity. My life for the Yin!” – Brother Milor
The Ghosts of Creuss currently occupy Mecatol Rex. They were able to sneak a small force onto the fallen Imperial Capital with a carrier, slip streaming through the flux of a Beta wormhole to make the great distance with Godspeed. The blinding speed, at which this was accomplished, left the rest of the races in the dust, as they slowly enclosed on Mecatol Rex.
During this time, the Ghosts of Creuss were able to make two successful appeals to further their claim to the Imperial Throne and therefore had secured a comfortable lead. But it would seem their hold on Mecatol Rex would soon be relinquished . . .
Two thousand men, and fifty thousand tons of steel
Set the course for Mecatol Rex with the Ghosts on their heel
Firepower, firefight
Battle Stations, keep the targets steady in sight
“You have occupied Mecatol Rex for too long. Your presence shall be reduced to ash in the face of our mighty War Sun!” – Fire Warden Umbat
“The ancient technological terror has risen from the grave. You are fools to have resurrected such a pyrrhic weapon. Some things should stay buried in the dark recesses of time.” – Emissary Meian
“The Embers of Muaat will do whatever it takes to claim the Imperial Throne! Go back to the ethereal realm from whence you came!” – Fire Warden Umbat
A quick, decisive battle saw control of Mecatol Rex pass to the Muaat. In due course, they solidified their position with construction fortifications in the form of a Space Dock and a Planetary Defence System. Although the Embers of Muaat were able to further their claim to the Imperial Throne while seated on Mecatol Rex, it was not long before a coordinated assault among the Winnu, the Yin, the Mentak and the Jol-Nar ousted the Muaat, in spectacular fashion.
The Winnu, using cunning and strategy, disarmed the Planetary Defence System protecting Mecatol Rex. Then with unbelievable speed, the Van Hauge covered incredible distance to close in on Mecatol Rex, propelled onward at Flank Speed and a Gravity Drive system.
“Impossible! How can such a bulky ship move so swiftly?” – Fire Warden Umbat
“Hahaha, the Van Hauge is filled with explosives! As soon as it reaches your vicinity, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO GO UP IN A BIG BANG!” – Brother Milor
“You are insane! All units, let’s skilfully retreat to safety!” – Fire Warden Umbat
(Skilled Retreat)
“Unfortunately, we anticipated you would do exactly that and have blockaded your fleet with our Mentak Cruisers! There is no escape!” – Captain Ceil
“FOR THE YIN!!!” – Brother Milor
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” – Fire Warden Umbat
In a cataclysmic explosion, the Muaat War Sun lit up like an infernal pyre, bursting into flames as the hull of the Van Hauge collided with lethal impact. Shrapnel erupted in all directions, engulfed in a turbulent blaze, scrap metal washed away in a sea of fire.
In the depths of the abyss
They are bound by iron and blood
The flagship of the navy, the terror in space
His guns have gone silent at last
The Universities of Jol-Nar delivered the finishing blow. A large dreadnought fleet entered the now empty space of Mecatol Rex, unleashing a destructive bombardment on the Muaat infantry. With their Planetary Defence System out of commission, the Gashlai were helpless to shield themselves from the Hylar bombardment.
The Muaat chain of command fell apart after Fire Warden Umbat perished with the War Sun, and there was not enough time to establish new leadership to command the ground battle which took place. Although the Hylar are frail, their superior numbers and chain of command allowed them to eliminate the remaining Gashlai forces and take control of Mecatol Rex. No prisoners.
News of the destruction of their mighty War Sun soon reached the fiery planet of Muaat.
“High Warden, it is with great regret to inform you that our frontal mobile base has been destroyed by the Yin Brotherhood, and with it, the loss of one of our Fire Wardens, Umbat. Furthermore, the Jol-Nar eradicated our remaining ground forces and seized control of Mecatol Rex.” Fire Warden Magmus
“Terrible news indeed. This is a sorrowful and staggering loss for the Gashlai. The small ray of hope we gained from all of this is the accomplishment of a secret mission to further our claim to the Imperial Throne.” – High Fire Warden Sushon Azh
Destroy their Greatest Ship
Destroy another player’s War Sun or Flagship.
“Still, though, it is a very pyrrhic victory if it can even be called a success. Fire Warden Magmus, my orders for you are as follows. Go to the galactic council meeting and do whatever it takes to further our claim to the Imperial Throne.
Whatever it takes.
After which, you will be assuming frontal command in place of our fallen Fire Warden, Umbat.” – High Fire Warden Sushon Azh
“Understood, High Fire Warden. I will make my preparations and then leave immediately for Mecatol Rex.” – Fire Warden Magmus
Representatives from each race gathered around the council room for the galactic council to take place.
“Your War Sun made quite a nice display of fireworks earlier! Have you considered joining the Yin Brotherhood? We are always seeking new members, and now that you have lost your mobile base, the Yin would be delighted to make a new home for you!” – Brother Lucas
“. . . No. The Embers of Muaat swear vengeance against the Yin Brotherhood.” – Fire Warden Magmus
The Winnu Councillor stood up and took his place at the dais, cleared his throat, and began the meeting. A few hours went by, but nothing of significance had passed. The Winnu Councillor was not blinded by the boredom displayed throughout the room.
“Crikey mates, is this going to go on for any longer? I am bored out of my mind here!” – Erwan’s Hand
“The Creuss agree that not much has been accomplished throughout this meeting and it would likely be best to adjourn now and not waste any more time.” Emissary Taivra
The Winnu Councillor could only smile.
“Your comments are noted. I have saved the best till last. Let us plant the seed of an empire! We will decide whether to further the leader towards the Imperial Throne or whether to give the underdog a fighting chance!” – The Winnu Councillor
Seed of an Empire
For: The player with the most victory points gains 1 victory point (Ghosts of Creuss).
Against: The player with the least victory points gains 1 victory point (Mentak Coalition).
“I have checked the fine print and will read out the riders which have been added to this directive. Firstly, the Jol-Nar has appended a Construction Rider to this directive on the For. Secondly, the Mentak has attached a Diplomacy Rider to this directive on the For. Finally, the Yin Brotherhood has affixed a Politics Rider to this directive on the For.
If the Ghosts of Creuss are voted to further their claim to the Imperial Throne, the Jol-Nar will get permission from the council to further their construction efforts, the Mentak will have permission to create a non-aggression treaty in one of their systems for the foreseeable future, and the Yin Brotherhood will gain a political advantage going forward.” – The Winnu Councillor
The drowsy haze of boredom had cleared, and everyone was suddenly alert. This directive could have a significant impact on who eventually claimed the Imperial Throne. As it stood, the Embers of Muaat held the most influence on the table and had the power to singlehandedly decide the outcome of the directive.
“The Creuss would like to offer their Support for the Throne to the Muaat, in exchange for their votes.” – Emissary Taivra
“An interesting proposal, the Muaat may very well accept.” – Fire Warden Magmus
“Are you mad? If the Creuss gain any more momentum, they are going to be unstoppable on their path to claiming the Imperial Throne!” – Doctor Sucuban
“Yes, the Muaat is mad. Infuriated in fact. You have no idea how hot the fires of the Gashlai rage right now. The Embers of Muaat are not particularly interested in voting to benefit half of the races present, especially since those very same races conspired to destroy the original Muaat War Sun! Only the Ghosts of Creuss were uninvolved with its destruction. Every other race present is guilty.” – Fire Warden Magmus
“Mate this is ridiculous! You cannot do this!” – Erwan’s Hand
“The Muaat will do as they please.” – Fire Warden Magmus
“I am in disbelief that I even have to say this, but the Winnu will offer their Support for the Throne to the Muaat in exchange for their votes to go against the Creuss.” – The Winnu Councillor
“Your proposition is tempting . . .” – Fire Warden Magmus
“The Creuss counteroffer by adding a future promise of a hefty payment in addition to offering our Support for the Throne.” – Emissary Taivra
(Binding deal for Support for the Throne and non-binding deal for Trade Agreement)
What seemed like an eternity of silence passed, though, in reality, only a minute had passed. Then Fire Warden Magmus spoke.
“While your counteroffer is most enticing, the Muaat are not interested in future promises. Therefore the Muaat will accept a Support for the Throne from the Winnu to vote against the Creuss.” – Fire Warden Magmus
“Well that was exciting, to say the least. Let us conclude this galactic meeting then.” – The Winnu Councillor
Tensions were running high in the galaxy. The heat was on the Muaat as it seemed victory was within their vicinity. The Creuss and Yin Brotherhood were hot on their heels.
- Embers of Muaat – 10 VP with Imperial Strategy Card
- Ghosts of Creuss – 11 VP with Trade Strategy Card
- Yin Brotherhood – 11 VP with Politics Strategy Card
The galaxy turned its ire onto the Embers of Muaat once more. The Universities of Jol-Nar set its course on the Muaat home system with a fleet comprising of a dreadnought and a couple of cruisers, against a War Sun with a single fighter escort.
“History always repeats itself. It is your destiny to be enslaved by us once again!” – Doctor Rin
“No longer will the Gashlai be shackled by your whims. Be extinguished, now, and know that you have lost.” – Fire Warden Magmus
As the Jol-Nar fleet approached Muaat, a space cannon volley of three shots all made their mark, reducing the Jol-Nar fleet to size! The following combat was fierce, but unfortunately, the Jol-Nar was too fragile to land a single hit. The Muaat, on the other hand, fired with deadly accuracy with all of their ships, blasting the Jol-Nar fleet into oblivion!
“What the – this result was beyond my calculations!” – Doctor Rin
“Mere hypothesis cannot comprehend the fortitude and resolute emotions that burn within the Gashlai. We will never bow to you again!” – Fire Warden Magmus
“This is not over!” – Doctor Rin
A secondary Jol-Nar fleet comprising again of Dreadnoughts and Cruisers made its way over to the Tequ’ran and Torkan system, where the second Muaat War Sun was stationed. Unfortunately, the Jol-Nar fleet had to pass through a Gravity Rift, which subsequently crushed a Dreadnought and Cruiser! The remaining fleet was under PDS fire. This time all shots missed, but the Gravity Rift had done enough damage to the Jol-Nar fleet . . .
“We lost too many ships to the Gravity Rift . . . and it’s too late to turn back now. Attention all personnel, we fight until the end!” – Doctor Rin
“Return fire! Do not let a single ship escape!” – Fire Warden Magmus
In a single, decisive exchange, the second Jol-Nar fleet fell to the Muaat. The Ghosts of Creuss then took the opportunity to invade Bereg and seize control of it from the Embers of Muaat.
“You will pay dearly for this!” – Fire Warden Magmus
“There is still unfinished business to be conducted between us.” – Emissary Taivra
A secondary attack from the Creuss was instigated, targeting the Muaat War Sun stationed in the Tequ’ran and Torkan system.
“I invoke your ceasefire agreement with the Muaat!” – Fire Warden Magmus
“Now my business with you has concluded.” – Emissary Taivra
The Winnu, tired of being holed up, finally decided to expand their borders and strike against the Muaat. A carrier fleet approached the Arinam and Meer system, surviving the PDS cannon fire from the Muaat. The Winnu then decided to invade Arinam.
“We will not allow you to become the next emperor. That right belongs only to the Winnu!” – Leader Muad Di Fauuq
“You have the right to nothing. Only those who have proven their worth to sit on the Imperial Throne shall do so.” – Fire Warden Magmus
The ground combat was intense, despite the small scale of the battle. In the end, the Muaat emerged victoriously.
“You may have won this battle, but you are guaranteed to forfeit control of Wellon!” – Leader Muad Di Fauuq
A second Winnu cruiser fleet rapidly enclosed an undefended Wellon, and control soon passed to the Winnu.
“Have your victory. It is meaningless.” – Fire Warden Magmus
After the conclusion of these battles, it became evident that the Ghosts of Creuss had a chance to claim the Imperial Throne before the Embers of Muaat. They had acquired the necessary wealth to Centralise Galactic Trade.
Centralise Galactic Trade
Spend 10 Trade Goods for 2 Victory Points
- Embers of Muaat – 11 VP – 2 Unscored Secret Objectives
- Ghosts of Creuss – 11 VP – 1 Unscored Secret Objective
- Yin Brotherhood – 11 VP – 1 Unscored Secret Objective
There was also the knowledge that the Creuss was working on a secret objective. If they could succeed in that secret mission, they would become the next Galactic Emperor!
Unless . . .
From the mist, a shape, a ship, is taking form
And the silence of space is about to drift into a storm
Sign of power, show of force
Fire the engines, battleship’s plotting its course
The Muaat War Sun stationed at the Tequ’ran and Torkan system seemed to defy reality, bending light around it at impossible angles – naught but inky-black contours could be seen. In the Silence of Space, the Muaat War Sun approached Creuss like an apparition!
In the Silence of Space
Choose 1 system. During this tactical action, your ships in the chosen system can move through systems that contain other players’ ships.
The Muaat War Sun seemingly appeared into existence out of nowhere, and the Creuss could only watch in horror as the war machine closed in on their home system.
“How can this be? How did such a goliath ship avoid detection from our radars?” – Emissary Taivra
“I am not usually one for humour, but I daresay you look like you have seen a ghost!” – Fire Warden Magmus
“How can you tell? We all wear helmets!” – Emissary Taivra
“It’s just a feeling, that’s all. The Muaat cannot risk the possibility of the Creuss claiming the Imperial Throne first! All units, it is time to make an Example of Their World!” – Fire Warden Magmus
A one-sided space battle and planetary bombardment led the Muaat to occupy Creuss. In doing so, the Muaat fulfilled the requirements for one of their secret missions!
Make an Example of Their World
Use Bombardment to destroy the last of a player’s ground forces on a planet.
After the dust settled, the races realised that the Muaat had become unstoppable. Against the odds, they had survived multiple assaults on all fronts to secure their position as the next galactic rulers.
“That is enough! You have all tried to stomp out the fires of the Gashlai but you have all failed! Hear me now! The Embers of Muaat has now ascended to form the new Galactic Empire! Swear your allegiance now or be burned into submission!” – High Fire Warden Sushon Azh
The threat made by the High Fire Warden Sushon Azh appeared very real, given the events that had just transpired.
“As long as you promise to help repair the damage inflicted on Creuss, we are willing to keep the peace with you.” – Emissary Taivra
“The Embers of Muaat and the Mentak Coalition both want the same thing. To flip the tables and rise up from the pit of slavery to the peak of sovereignty. Ensure our people’s freedom, and you have the Mentak’s support.” – Erwin’s Hand
“This result is beyond my expectations. I cannot believe the oppressed have ascended to the Throne! We can only pray that you will have mercy on us scientists and will see the logic of reason in keeping us around to continue the technological advancement of the galaxy.” – The Headmaster
“Providing that the Brotherhood can continue to spread the glory of the Yin, we will abide by your leadership!” – The Elder Brother
“It is frustrating that our right to rule the galaxy has been taken from the Winnu. I would hope you would have enough respect to keep the Winnu close at hand to help you oversee the vast operations required to maintain order in the galaxy.” – Leader Muad Di Fauuq
After High Fire Warden Sushon Azh was crowned emperor, the galaxy entered a prosperous industrial age. Fire Warden Magmus shared his vast reactor knowledge with the Universities of Jol-Nar, and soon, Gashlai factories were stationed throughout the galaxy. These Gashlai reactors proved to be extremely effective. With the conversion rate practically doubled, the factories’ output was immense, and benefited the galaxy hugely.
Fire Warden Magmus was then assigned to work with Emissary Taivra to restore the damage to the Creuss home as promised. In time, peaceful relations were restored between the two races, and the Ghosts of Creuss thrived under the rule of the Embers of Muaat.
The Embers of Muaat sympathised with the similar circumstances that had befallen the Mentak Coalition in the past. The new empire mostly allowed the Mentak to go about their sometimes shady business operations, only intervening during the most severe cases.
The Winnu served as political advisers to the Muaat, and they were involved mainly with the behind the scenes work required to maintain order in the galaxy. A delicate balance of influential power was kept between the two races.
A decree was instigated, banning the public spreading of the Yin doctrine. Individuals were free to practice whatever faith they wished, but it became an illegal act to spread any religion openly. While this caused great aggravation among the Yin Brotherhood, they knew things could have been far worse for them.
The Muaat had not forgiven the Jol-Nar for their past enslavement, and they never would. However, the Universities possessed the necessary technological knowledge to further the development of the Prototype War Sun. The Gashlai and Hylar formed a research agreement to create the War Sun S – a space station far more menacing and terrifying than its predecessors.
War Sun S
Muaat War Sun
Other player’s units in this system lose PLANETARY SHIELD. Your ships in this system can move through systems that contain other players’ ships.
+ Sustain Damage + Bombardment 2 (x4)
Cost: 8 Combat: 2 (x4) Move: 4 Capacity: 8
One of these titanic mobile bases lay stationed at Mecatol Rex, another hovered around the Muaat home system, and a third floated above the fiery planet of Meer – the home away from home for the Gashlai.
While it is true that the Embers of Muaat brought about a revolutionary advancement with the widespread application of their reactor technology, the Muaat also cemented an unshakable order to the galaxy with the ever-present threat of their daunting War Suns.
Final Score
Public Objectives
- Found Research Outposts (Control 3 tech planets)
- Diversify Research (2 techs in 2 colours)
- Sway the Council (Spend 8 influence)
- Lead from the Front (Spend 3 Command Counters)
- Erect a Monument (Spend 8 Resources)
- Subdue the Galaxy (Control 11 non-home system planets)
- Galvanise the People (Spend 6 Command Counters)
- Centralise Galactic Trade (Spend 10 Trade Goods – revealed from Incentive Program Agenda)
- Revolutionise Warfare (3 unit upgrade tech)
- Found a Golden Age (Spend 16 resources)
- Conquer the Weak (Control another players’ home system planet – unrevealed)
Imperial Points
- Ghosts of Creuss – 2
- Embers of Muaat – 1
- Mentak Coalition – 1 (Seed of an Empire Directive)
- Yin Brotherhood – 1 (The Crown of Emphidia Law)
Support for the Throne
- Embers of Muaat – 1 (The Winnu)
Muaat Secret Objectives
- Destroy their Greatest Ship (Destroy enemy War Sun or Flagship)
- Make an Example of Their World (Destroy all infantry with bombardment)
- Control the Region (six ships in six systems – unscored)
Muaat Strategy Cards
- Warfare
- Trade
- Construction
- Construction
- Imperial
- Politics
- Politics
- Imperial
Muaat Tech Path
- Sarween Tools
- Magen Defence Grid
- Magmus Reactor
- Prototype War Sun II
- Graviton Laser System (To score Diversify Research objective)
- Destroyer II (To score Revolutionise Warfare objective)
- None – I could not afford to research Assault Cannon
End Game Summary
This was indeed an intense fight to claim the Imperial Throne, and one of the best games of Twilight Imperium I have ever played. Tonnes of epic action, and a three-way race to the Imperial Throne kept everyone on edge.
To be honest, I was lucky to win. I lost a fair amount of planets on the final turn, so if the game had gone to another round, the Muaat would have struggled. The final objective was Conquer the Weak, but I do not know whether I would have been able to protect both Creuss and Muaat. I would have aimed to pick the Diplomacy strategy card on the final turn.
The Ghosts of Creuss and the Yin Brotherhood were also in strong contention to claim the Imperial Throne. I have never seen the Yin Brotherhood and Ghosts of Creuss played to such a high standard, so props to those players for their solid gameplay. The Ghosts stuck to their pie slice rather than spreading throughout the galaxy, and it worked out well for them.
I am not sure what happened with the Mentak Coalition. I expected them to fare much better, given the number of spend objectives that were revealed. I think they had a rough time with the Yin Brotherhood, which hampered their efforts, and I am not sure they took Trade enough throughout the game either. I do recall they made a mistake, which prevented them from researching technology for a turn, which was likely a costly miscalculation on their part.
I was extremely vocal against the Jol-Nar in the early game. They held both equidistant systems by turn two (Arnor/Lor and Bereg/Lirta IV), and I was not tolerating that. I think I slipped a little into a role play, fuelling the Gashlai’s hatred toward the Hylar. At any rate, I successfully encouraged the Ghosts of Creuss and the Mentak Coalition to push back against the Universities of Jol-Nar.
By the mid-game, I secured a deal for the Jol-Nar’s Research Agreement, and to their surprise, I openly declared that I would hold the note hostage for the remainder of the game. I wanted to shut down the transaction advantage that the Jol-Nar possessed, even to the extent of reducing my overall technology.
Even though the Jol-Nar controlled Mecatol Rex for the second half of the game, I do not believe they had the opportunity ever to take Imperial or Politics. The Speaker token was kept among the Yin, Winnu, and Muaat and similarly with Imperial, but with the Creuss added to the mix.
I believe a combination of the above factors prevented the Jol-Nar from snowballing and running away with the game. The Jol-Nar attack on my home system miraculously went my way through sheer luck. I did have Courageous to the End in my hand, so I would have likely wiped out the remaining Jol-Nar fleet if my War Sun had been taken down, but the fact is that it survived against the odds.
My home system would have been horribly vulnerable if the Creuss formed an alliance with the other races and used their promissory note to set up a wormhole next to my home system for everyone else to invade, had my War Sun fallen to the Jol-Nar attack.
I needed all of my remaining resources and trade goods to score Erect a Monument and Centralise Galactic Trade, so I could not afford to heavily reinforce my home system if I wanted to win the game on that round. Finding a safe planet to bombard and score Make an Example of Their World proved difficult as well until the Creuss performed a small build on their home system. I couldn’t attack the Winnu because I had their Support for the Throne, and everywhere else within my vicinity was heavily defended.
There were some heated moments in this game and emotions were running high at some points. Losing the War Sun was aggravating, and the constant attacks on the last turn had me on edge. I try not to get too lost in my feelings, but I think I did slip a little on a couple of instances. I made several mistakes throughout this game, which I will share below.
- Graviton Laser System
- Skilled Retreat
- Found Research Outposts
- Seed of an Empire
- Repeal Law
- Flank Speed
1. Graviton Laser System
I should have researched this earlier as it would have kept the Ghosts of Creuss away from the Tequ’ran and Torkan system during the early game. I may have then been able to secure that system for myself before the Ghosts could have reached it safely. Given that one of the starting objectives was Diversify Research, it made sense to go double red and yellow. I should have grabbed Graviton earlier instead of marching up Red first.
2. Skilled Retreat
The turn before the Van Hauge slammed itself into my War Sun; I discarded a second copy of Skilled Retreat from my hand. I should have kept both copies and anticipated that someone would have sabotaged my attempt to retreat. I neglected the golden rule of the Muaat, which is to always, ALWAYS, be overcautious in protecting the War Sun.
I lost a lot of momentum from losing the War Sun, and while I did get a victory point out of it through Destroy Their Greatest Ship, everyone had their Flagship on the game board by midgame, and I had plenty of targets which I could have sought out to achieve that objective. This mistake almost cost me the game, but through a combination of luck and skill, I managed to pull things back.
3. Found Research Outposts
I believe there was a single turn where I could have tried to score Found Research Outposts and Monopolise Production (control 4 industrial planets) if I risked my War Sun fleet and moved into the New Albion and Starpoint system, with the aim of securing New Albion.
The Winnu had 3 PDS shots with Graviton Laser System, and I think I only had a single Destroyer with my War Sun at the time. I could not pre-negotiate with the Winnu because I did not have adjacency, so I would have to move my fleet in and then try to negotiate with the Winnu not to fire. I had a lot to offer, so perhaps we could have reached an agreement, but I did not want to risk the War Sun.
For two victory points though, I think perhaps I should have gone for it though, as, in hindsight, I ended up losing the War Sun to the Van Hauge on the following turn anyway.
4. Seed of an Empire
In hindsight, I honestly think I should have accepted a deal with the Creuss and given them the victory point. Binding Trade Agreement and non-binding Support for the Throne for my votes, is what I should have done. The Ghosts would have likely been glad to give their Support for the Throne to discourage the Muaat from attacking them anyhow.
On the final turn, there was way too much table hate on the Muaat, and if I had given the Ghosts that extra point, some of that attention could have been turned on them. The Jol-Nar could have taken the fight to the Creuss instead of me, and the Yin Brotherhood could have sent some units through the Beta wormhole to fight the Creuss as well.
5. Repeal Law
I had this action card and forgot the Yin Brotherhood was wielding a victory point due to the Crown of Emphidia. I used this action card to get rid of some irrelevant law on the final turn instead. In my defence I did not see the law on the table as I believe the player kept the card in his play area, so in future, I will state that any card, barring support for the Throne which gives a player a victory point, needs to be kept near the public objectives.
6. Flank Speed
Not a big deal, but on the tactical action where I used the Silence of Space to move into the Creuss home system, I forgot I could warp my ships from the Quann system straight to Creuss, because the Creuss Flagship contains a Delta wormhole. Basically, I wasted a Flank Speed to move my destroyers when they were within two spaces away from the Creuss home system anyway.
Game Two
Races Listed in Initiative Order
- Ember of Muaat – Bottom Right
- Sardakk N’orr – Bottom Left (with Speaker)
- Federation of Sol – Top Right
- Ghosts of Creuss – Bottom
- Universities of Jol-Nar – Top Left
- Nekro Virus – Top
Round One Strategy Cards
- Sardakk N’orr – Technology
- Universities of Jol-Nar – Leadership
- Nekro Virus – Warfare
- Federation of Sol – Trade
- Embers of Muaat – Politics
- Ghosts of Creuss – Construction
Game Summary
I was able to represent the Embers of Muaat, yet again which made me very happy, as I feel War Suns make the game more fun! Without them on the table, everyone just ends up using Dread / Cruiser fleets or Carrier / Fighter fleets, and that is just boring as hell to me. When the War Sun moves, everyone turns their heads to look at what is going down. That is the power of the War Sun.
I deliberately took initiative 1 so that I would be at a disadvantage and be assigned the final pie slice by default. I won the last game, and while Twilight Imperium is a heavily involved game, we play it on a casual or semi-competitive level. I was a little surprised to end up next to the Supernova tile as I expected to start bottom left where Sardakk N’orr was positioned.
Sardakk N’orr and Jol-Nar forged an early game alliance, with what I believe was a near-constant swap of Research Agreement and Tekklar Legion. Jol-Nar needed Tekklar Legion because the Nekro Virus very aggressively attacked the Jol-Nar in the early game, to keep them in check and copy tech.
By turn two, Sardakk N’orr had the second most technology on the board. For the entire game, Jol-Nar essentially had regular infantry because Sardakk N’orr eventually just gave Tekklar Legion to Jol-Nar for free, to help battle against the Nekro Virus.
Unfortunately for Nekro Virus, their early aggression backfired once the Federation of Sol advanced toward them, and Nekro struggled immensely during the mid-game. At one point, they only controlled two systems.
I advised the Federation of Sol on general strategy as they played Mentak in the previous game and placed last, so I wanted them to have a better game this time. I might have helped them too much, though, as they quickly amassed three Imperial Points, which then turned most of the table against them! Sardakk N’orr uprooted the Federation of Sol from Mecatol and retreated before my War Suns moved in to claim Mecatol from them!
In the last game, I foolishly left my War Sun on Mecatol which turned the table against me, so this time I recalled both of my War Suns on the following turn, to ease the pressure off me. The turn after that, Jol-Nar moved their War Sun, Flagship, and a pair of Dreadnoughts onto Mecatol Rex.
With a Graviton Laser upgraded PDS system, Assault Cannon, and Anti-Fighter Barrage from my three upgraded Destroyers, I was able to take out a Dreadnought and pretty much all of the Jol-Nar fighters. I have to say it is utterly ridiculous how much pre-combat fire you can amass with upgraded PDS, Destroyers, and Assault Cannon!
I then moved my War Suns back onto Mecatol Rex for a War Sun-off against the Jol-Nar, which led me to Destroy their Greatest Ship. I kept Mecatol for the remainder of the game but was only able to get one Imperial Point.
The Agenda Phase of this game was mad. Unlike the last game, pretty much every agenda that came out was impactful on the game and required substantial debate amongst the council.
Publicise Weapon Schematics was revealed much to my grief. Fortunately, Jol-Nar also had War Sun technology, so with our combined votes, we allowed everyone the ability to research War Suns, rather than lose all of our Action Cards.
The Planet of Ixth and The Crown of Emphidia both came out and a bunch of other debate heavy agendas.
Fleet Regulations emerged, which had Technology, Leadership, and Nekro riders on the For and Imperial Rider on the Against. Against went through, which awarded Sardakk N’orr an additional victory point.
There were a bunch of others that I cannot remember, but Imperial Arbiter was revealed on the final Agenda Phase, which threw a major spanner in the works. No one could take Imperial on the last turn, lest it be stolen from them.
- Universities of Jol-Nar – 12 VP
- Sardakk N’orr – 11 VP
- Embers of Muaat – 11 VP
- Federation of Sol – 10 VP
Imperial Arbiter would have been best given to either Nekro Virus or Creuss, but Nekro placed their rider on themselves and Politics and Warfare Rider from Muaat and Creuss were placed on Creuss. The Federation of Sol ended up winning Imperial Arbiter.
Galvanise the People was the final Stage II objective revealed.
Final Round Strategy Cards
- Sardakk N’orr – Leadership
- Universities of Jol-Nar – Construction
- Nekro Virus – Technology
- Federation of Sol – Diplomacy
- Embers of Muaat – Warfare
- Ghosts of Creuss – Trade
The Federation of Sol swapped strategy cards with the Universities of Jol-Nar so that a vengeful Nekro Virus could take Jol-Nar’s home system. It was then up to Muaat and Creuss to take Sardakk N’orr’s home system, but with a single fighter blockade; I had to station my War Suns adjacent before moving into Sardakk N’orr’s home system.
The Creuss tried to take Sardakk N’orr’s Home System but just couldn’t manage it. After I used Warfare, Sardakk N’orr Signal Jammed my War Sun fleet, locking it in place for the round. I should have left both of my War Suns on Mecatol and only sent a fleet of Destroyers to deal with the lone fighter blockade. Then my War Suns would have still been free to travel directly to the Sardakk N’orr home system.
Even with two War Suns, and a fighter screen, I am not sure if I would have been able to destroy both Exotrireme II dreadnoughts in a single round. If I could not, then both of my War Suns would have died to the Exotrireme II dreadnought ability. I would not have had Assault Cannon, and I needed to score five hits, assuming the Sardakk N’orr did not have Shields Holding. I did have Fighter Prototype, however, so I could have likely made it work out.
Fortunately, we were able to deduce that Sardakk N’orr’s final secret objective was to Become the Gatekeeper (ships in Alpha and Beta wormholes). The Creuss and Muaat only just managed to prevent that from happening, though.
There was a Creuss Alpha wormhole placed in the Asteroid Field adjacent to the Jol-Nar home system, but neither Muaat nor Creuss had Anti-Mass Deflectors to deal with Carrier / Fighter fleet! I should have researched Anti-Mass deflectors instead of Magen Defence Grid on this round or even the previous round instead of Magen Defence Grid!
The Creuss took care of the lone ship in the Beta wormhole system, and in the Quann System, the Ghosts were able to reduce the Sardakk N’orr fleet to a single Exotrireme II dreadnought. The Muaat then sent a fleet of three Destroyers through the Gravity Rift to Assault Cannon, the remaining ship. There was approximately a 35% chance of all three Destroyers passing through, to Assault Cannon the remaining Exotrireme II dreadnought in the Quann System.
This allowed the Embers of Muaat to Spark a Rebellion against the Sardakk N’orr, only because the Jol-Nar threw away their Support of the Throne agreement to the Nekro Virus, in an attempt to reclaim their Home System. With Jol-Nar and Sardakk N’orr out of commission, the Embers of Muaat were able to snatch victory from them by Galvanising the People and reaching 14 victory points!
If the last game was intense, this one was doubly so. I was extremely fortunate to come out with the win. I was third in initiative order with a chance to win on the final turn.
Only by cooperating with the Creuss and a lucky opportunity to Spark a Rebellion, were the Embers able to come out on top. Make an Example of Their World was my final secret objective, which I had planned to score had the game progressed to the last turn.
Public Objectives
- Lead from the Front (Spend 3 Command Counters)
- Sway the Council (Spend 8 influence)
- Diversify Research (2 techs in 2 colours)
- Erect a Monument (Spend 8 resources)
- Corner the Market (Control 4 planets of a kind)
- Found a Golden Age (Spend 16 resources)
- Revolutionise Warfare (3 unit upgrade techs)
- Unify the Colonies (Control 6 planets of a kind)
- Galvanise the People (Spend 6 Command Counters)
Imperial Points
- Federation of Sol – 3
- Sardakk N’orr – 2 (Holy Planet of Ixth Law)
- Embers of Muaat – 1
- Ghosts of Creuss – 1 (The Crown of Emphidia Law)
Support for the Throne
- Embers of Muaat – 1 (The Ghosts of Creuss)
Muaat Secret Objectives
- Destroy their Greatest Ship (Destroy enemy War Sun or Flagship)
- Spark a Rebellion (Win combat against a player with most VP)
- Make an Example of Their World (Destroy all infantry with bombardment – unscored)
Muaat Strategy Cards
- Politics
- Technology
- Politics
- Technology
- Imperial
- Leadership
- Leadership
- Warfare
Muaat Tech Path
- Sarween Tools
- PDS II and Graviton Laser System (To score Diversify Research objective)
- Magmus Reactor
- Assault Cannon and Prototype War Sun II
- Destroyer II (To score Revolutionise Warfare objective)
- Magen Defence Grid (Do not laugh!)
Another two great games of Twilight Imperium. They were the best games I have ever played. Lots of crazy stuff happened, there was madness everywhere, and both games had a three-way race to claim the Imperial Throne.
In the two games, I played the Muuat very differently in terms of Strategy Card choices. The first game was focused more on Construction efforts, whereas the second raced up Technology. The Embers of Muaat have a degree of flexibility in how they can be played, and this is one reason why I like the race so much.
I would have liked to have written another narrative for the second game, but it does take a lot of effort, and I didn’t really want to write another story with the Embers as the victor. Also, it would have been out of character for Jol-Nar and Sardakk N’orr to ally, from a narrative perspective.
Stay tuned for future games!
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.
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