Gaming Zone – Twilight Imperium Matches

Commencing operation . . .
Happy New Year and Happy New Decade! Let’s kick off 2020 with something a little different.
On the final weekend of the previous decade, not one but two games of Twilight Imperium were played with a full host of six players. Even if you do not understand a thing about Twilight Imperium, there is a narrative further down, which should be a good read regardless I would hope.
For those of you who are familiar with the Space Cats Peace Turtles Podcast, they created a map for a tournament they are hosting. We decided to use their map and tournament rules for the two games played this past weekend.
- Highest dice roll claims Speaker and then descending draft order.
- In drafting order, ban a faction.
- In reverse drafting order, pick a starting position.
- In drafting order, choose a faction.
Game One
Races Banned in Initiative Order
- Mentak Coalition
- Embers of Muaat
- Nekro Virus
- Yssaril Tribes
- Arborec
- Jol Nar
Races Listed in Initiative Order
- Emirates of Hacan – Speak Easy (with turn 1 Speaker)
- Clan of Saar – Lil’ Brudder
- Federation of Sol – Daddy Warbucks
- Sardakk N’orr – Turtles’ Paradise
- Naalu Collective – Gashfather. Pt III
- Xxcha Kingdom – The Best One
(read in reverse to see which pie slices got picked first)
I ended up representing The Federation of Sol after picking Daddy Warbucks as my starting point, because my favourite race, the Embers of Muaat, got hate banned by my best friend. I was 3rd in initiative order. This game had two new players who chose to represent The Emirates of Hacan and The Xxcha Kingdom.
Narration and Game Highlights
Race Representatives for the Narrative
- Emirates of Hacan – Hacan Garrus, Hacan Harrugh, Hacan Carth
- Clan of Saar – Mendosa
- Federation of Sol – High Minister Juan Salvador Tao, Supreme Admiral DeLouis, Rev,
- Sardakk N’orr – G’hom Sek’kus
- Naalu Collective – Queen Q’uesh Sish
- Xxcha Kingdom – Elder Juan, Elder Qanoj
In a galaxy not unlike our own, six great races vie to become the next galactic emperor . . .
The wealth of half the galaxy flows through the coffers of the nomadic trading clans of the Hacan, but being a traditional people, they choose to remain secluded away in the dry deserts of Kenara’s worlds, their ancestral homes.
The Quieron leads the entire hierarchy of trade-groups, each possessing its own fleets of commerce and war. His task: to lead his people to the Imperial Throne, establishing an era of wealth and peaceful commerce.
“There is no price too great for the Hacan, no silk too fine, and no war too long. My people will persevere.” – Hacan Carth
It is a testament to the perseverance of the Saar that they even exist at all. Massacred, scapegoated and abused by other races, the Saar cling to life with a ferocity unlike any other.
For centuries the unified and passionate Saar people have built a formidable home and civilisation in the Joran asteroid field. The Saar have finally found home, and they have found that they are strong.
“O, Lisis, you whose fate is forever carved into the backs of the weary. Your spectre is all we see.” – Mendosa
No N’orr has ever laid eyes upon the Queen Mother, but her fury swells within each of them, charging them to drown the galaxy with blood in her name.
As Quinarra slowly turns, as the stars again come into their right constellations, the Veild Brood knows that the time to swarm is coming again. And this time, the swarm will cover the stars.
“Fear is death. Most of you will die. The Queen Mother thanks you for your worthy sacrifice.” – G’hom Sek’kus
Humanity was not the first species to travel the stars, but the voracity with which they spread throughout the galaxy surprised even the eldest of the space-faring races.
The current High Minister, Juan Salvador Tao, is preparing for a new age that he knows is rapidly evolving before him. He is eager to expand the official colonisation of Sol once more, especially to the old colonies of Centauri, Gral and Quann. He knows that the balance of power is shifting and that the universe will soon once again be governed under one empire. The High Minister will make sure that his Federation will prevail during the coming power struggle and inevitable war. Already the Sol fleet awaits his orders to strike nearby systems. Soon the human destiny will be fulfilled, and the distant suns theirs to command.
“Our enemies consider us children. They think us weak. Show them. Show them what the children of Jord can do!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
Deadly grace, perilous beauty. The crystalline radiance of the Neffish reflects the very aspects of the Druaa, digging its claws deep into the minds of the “lesser” beings of the galaxy.
The great plan of the collective is about to take its final shape. Long have the Naalu observed the chaos and ugliness of the other races from a distance. The time nears that the beauty of Druaa will grow beyond the borders of Mallac. The time now nears when the rest of the galaxy will know the tranquillity, order, and the true beauty of the Naalu. They will submit to that beauty… or be destroyed.
“You insult me, ssskinling. Ze monstrosity you suggest – ze Druua, we are not capable of such cruelty. Purge zis madness from your mind and leave zis world.” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
Slow to anger, and political by nature, many have mistaken the Xxcha’s commitment to peace for weakness, only to uncover fierce warriors beneath the Xxcha’s tranquil veneer.
Ccrysus, the Xxcha King, knows that for the sake of a peaceful galaxy, the Xxcha must seek the Imperial Throne and be wise for all.
“To fight without cause is not the way, human. Curb your anger. Let us walk through the gardens and consider how to proceed.” – Elder Qanoj
This epic starts from the second cycle, at the point where The Federation of Sol has enough influence to convince the Winnarian Custodians to allow them entry into the ancient Imperial Walls of Mecatol Rex.
“Hahaha, we have done it! We have gained entry into the fallen Imperial Capital!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
However, the race of humans had to overextend their fleet to do so, and therefore their actual presence on Mecatol Rex was little.
“Laugh while you ken Federation, your reign will be short-lived.” – Mendosa
“What!?!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
The Clan of Saar mobilised for war, launching a surprise attack with a recently built fleet!
(Warfare Strategy Card)
“Blast it all, retreat!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“If only ye could. Ye ships will not survive to get the chance!” – Mendosa
In a single, decisive volley, the Saar armada decimated the small fleet of Sol ships, and their vast number of foot soldiers was enough to overwhelm the otherwise physically superior human race. Almost as quickly as the Federation had landed on Mecatol Rex, they were annexed by the Saar!
“Could this get any worse?” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“Supreme Admiral, this is urgent! Our radars are picking up a sizeable force of Sardakk N’orr approaching Jord. They have already crushed our forces on Quaan, but it seems that their hunger is not yet satisfied.” – Rev
“Damn, my risk has backfired! We barely have any men left to defend our home planet! ” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“Supreme Admiral, calm down. I know this looks bad, but let me talk to them. I will reach an agreement with them.” – Rev
“Okay, I will leave this in your capable hands. The fate of Jord rests with you now.” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
As the Sardakk N’orr battleships closed in on Jord, they received a sudden transmission from the Federation of Sol.
“We surrender! The Federation will support your claim for the Imperial Throne. All we ask is that you disengage your fleet” – Rev
(Support for the Throne)
A long pause. Then . . .
“The Sardakk N’orr accepts your most wise decision. We would have turned the human race into insect food for our larvae! Hahahaha!” – G’hom Sek’kus
Back at the Federation command centre . . .
“You did what!?!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“Supreme Admiral, it was the only way we could have possibly survived. I knew you would not like it, but it had to be done. Fear not Supreme Admiral, but it looks like the Sardakk N’orr has dropped their guard. Our intelligence has informed us that the Sardakk N’orr has advanced northward and left Quann lightly defended. We should be able to push through and reclaim Quann!” – Rev
“Interesting indeed. It also appears that the following system is free of any Sardakk N’orr military so we can take control of Tequ’ran, and Torkan while we are at it. Excellent! Let’s make this happen!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
As Federation carriers landed infantry on Quann, Tequ’ran, and Torkan, they received a very angry communication from the Sardakk N’orr.
“The Sardakk N’orr spared you, and this is how you repay us! You support our claim to the throne only to stab us in the back! Humans are a bunch of cowards! The Sardakk N’orr will crush you as soon as our fleets are ready to mobilise.” – G’hom Sek’kus
“Forgive us for overstepping our bounds! We needed to occupy these planets for a secret mission. We will vacate Tequ’ran and Torkan as soon as possible, but please accept this valuable trade good as a peace offering.” – Rev
“. . . Very well. However, If you have not left by the time our fleets have remobilised, we will eradicate the human race!” – G’hom Sek’kus
Back at the Federation command centre . . .
“Why did you offer to leave? We could have continued to push through and given hell to those oversized insects!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“Supreme Admiral, with all due respect, we cannot afford to make the Sardakk N’orr our enemy. Pushing deeper into their territory does nothing to further our claim to the Imperial Throne. The biggest threat to us right now is The Clan of Saar!” – Rev
“Hmm, what you say is correct. It is impossible for us to mount a counteroffensive on Mecatol Rex right now, though.” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“Supreme Admiral, it is true that Saar is highly defended on Mecatol Rex, but they have vacated Arnor and Lor. Once our ships on Tequ’ran and Torkan have remobilised, we can hurt them indirectly by taking away some of their resources and influence!” – Rev
“Agreed. It is not ideal, but it is the best we can do at this stage to fight back.” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
Meanwhile, a Sardakk N’orr spy had managed to sneak on board Saar’s Floating Factory and forced a Reactor Meltdown, causing it to explode!
(Reactor Meltdown)
“Your one and only Floating Factory is now reduced to space dust! Hahahaha!” – G’hom Sek’kus
“Nooooooo! Damn you Sardakk N’orr!” – Mendosa
Unfortunately, the Saar had mistakenly built a Planetary Defence System (PDS) instead of a Floating Factory with their Construction efforts during the beginning of the galactic conquest! The rest of the races agreed not to focus on Construction efforts to force the Clan of Saar to either turn their attention toward rebuilding their Floating Factory or to further their claim to the Imperial Throne.
(Pick between Construction and Imperial Strategy Cards on future turns)
The Galactic council had been formed, and representatives from each of the six races gathered in the council room. The Emirates of Hacan would be positioned as Speaker for this galactic meeting. The first agenda to be presented to the table was a law to regulate conscription.
“The Hacan would like to present a law to regulate conscripted infantry and fighter pilots.” – Hacan Garrus
(Regulated Conscription)
Sardakk N’orr, Federation of Sol, and The Naalu Collective were not pleased…
“The Federation prides itself on its Spec Ops military! We need lots of good men to fight the good fight.” – Rev
“We are in agreement with the humans. The Sardakk N’orr also has great pride in the efficiency of our fighting forces. ” – G’hom Sek’kus
“Yesssss, our Naalu fighters cannot be outclasssssed.” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
“Let’s not be too hasty here. I have added an amendment to the law! Should the council vote against the Regulated Conscription law, The Clan of Saar will gain the resources necessary to construct a new Floating Factory! hahahahaha!” – Mendosa
“Bugger. This is irritating, but it would be best to now pass the law and prevent Saar from building a new Floating Factory.” – G’hom Sek’kus
“The Federation shares your sentiments.” – Rev
“Yesss, The Naalu are alssso in agreement.” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
“It is not the way of peace to force individuals to sign up for war. The Xxcha Kingdom was always in favour of implementing this law.” – Elder Juan
“There is no price too great for the Hacan! This law will not impact our war efforts!” – Hacan Garrus
After some debate among the council members, it had been agreed to pass the law.
(Skipping ahead to turn three Agenda Phase)
The Sardakk N’orr then took the position of Speaker and read out the next agenda.
(Wormhole Research)
“The Sardakk N’orr is interested in conducting research around wormholes and therefore present to the council a directive to do so. Due to the relatively unknown nature surrounding wormholes, it is possible that should this research be carried out, any ships near to the wormholes could be destroyed, or warped to an unknown dimension.
There is strong public support for this directive, so should the council refuse to carry out the research, any of the races who voted against this directive will likely be scrutinised by the public and therefore lose some leadership.
The Sardakk N’orr is in agreement with this law and has, therefore, pledged their support for this directive in advance. We have amended a clause to support this directive and, in response, have made a greater appeal for public support. The Sardakk N’orr is aware that the rest of the races lack quality leaders to carry out their operations, therefore request that the rest of the council make the correct decision in allowing this directive to be carried out.” – G’hom Sek’kus
(Leadership Rider played in favour)
The current fleet positions meant that only the Sardakk N’orr and The Federation of Sol would be suitably positioned to carry out research on the wormholes, as each had a small fleet stationed nearby.
“The Federation, once again, agree with the Sardakk N’orr. We have appended a clause to the directive which, if approved, will increase our naval fleet.” – Rev
(Warfare Rider played in favour)
“Zis iz getting interessssting! The Naalu have alsssso implemented a clausssse into ze directive, allowing usssss to head the council and increassse our political ambitionssss!” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
(Politics Rider played in favour)
At this stage of the negotiations, the remaining three races agreed it would be too beneficial for the rider races if the directive went through. The outstanding issue was that one of the three races would need to vote against the directive and be prepared to lose leadership from within their operations. After some discussion, the Hacan decided to take the hit.
“The Hacan have enough resources to recruit new leaders in the near future regardless!” – Hacan Garrus
“The Sardakk N’orr is a little displeased with this outcome but no matter. We have one final directive to discuss before concluding this council meeting. We demand a Public Execution!” – G’hom Sek’kus
(Public Execution)
Rev, the representative for The Federation of Sol was certain the rest of the council members would execute her as humanity currently held the greatest claim to the Imperial Throne. Although the Clan of Saar occupied Mecatol Rex, they did not have a single Floating Factory. The Clan of Saar, therefore, were wholly reliant on their forces on Mecatol Rex as well as the system containing Centauri and Gral to stay alive.
“The Federation has appended a clause to the document to further our claim to the Imperial Throne should the galactic council decide to execute the Sol representative.” – Rev
(Imperial Rider)
“Hahahaha, are you sure? I have checked the fine print on this directive, and I see no such rider in place!” – G’hom Sek’kus
“How can this be?” – Rev
“The Naalu offer their ssssympathies with you, Rev, but we musssst order you to die. The Naalu will assscend to the Throne and make the Galaxy more beautiful! Your death will not be in vain.” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
“The peaceful Xxcha Kingdom will have no part in such a vile act and will, therefore, abstain from this vote.” – Elder Juan
“The Federation must be stopped before they gain too great a claim to the Imperial Throne. We vote for Rev’s execution.” – Hacan Garrus
“Ye should not have been so hasty to further your claim to the Imperial Throne, Rev. Learn ye lesson in the afterlife.” – Mendosa
“Then we are all agreed. Well, we are mostly agreed, hahahahaa! Let us adjourn here and prepare for the Public Execution! Take her away!” – G’hom Sek’kus
Back at the Sol command centre, the Federation received urgent communications from Rev, detailing all that transpired at the Galactic Council meeting, the plans to have her executed, and a warning that there may be a spy from the Sardakk N’orr among their ranks.
“The spy must have slipped through when those oversized bugs were at our doorstep. I will not let you die Rev. I have arranged for the legal documents to be amended in secret to redirect the execution to G’hom Sek’kus!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
(Confusing Legal Text)
Suddenly, a transmission from the Sardakk N’orr was patched through to the Federation base.
“Greetings, Supreme Admiral. I hope you are well and looking forward to the execution! We found one of your men snooping around the council room, looking through classified documents. In response, we have promptly fed him to our larvae! Hahahhaaha!” – G’hom Sek’kus
“NOOOOOO! You will pay dearly for this!”- Supreme Admiral DeLouis
The transmission cut out.
“We have been had. Attention all units! There is a spy from the Sardakk N’orr hidden within our base. I do not care if you have to turn this place upside down, FIND THAT SPY AND DRENCH IT IN BUG POISON!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
(Turn Three Strategy Phase)
The execution site was held on the fiery sands of Hercant, one of the three home planets to the Emirates of Hacan. The deed would be carried out in one of the many desert regions of Hercant consisting of a Sarlaac Pit – a tentacle monster that devoured any victims unfortunate enough to fall in. Rev was positioned on the edge of a plank, looming above the treacherous pit.
Supreme Admiral, I am truly sorry I could not be with you to see the day when Sol claims the Imperial Throne . . . Please do not turn your rage against the Sardakk N’orr. Keep the bigger picture in mind. The best way to avenge my death is to lead Sol to victory. – Rev
“Push her in!” – G’hom Sek’kus
The Sardakk N’orr cheered as Rev’s helpless body was tossed into the pit, devoured, and never to be seen again. Most of the other races joined in, but not all. Eventually, the applause died down, and after a moment of silence, Supreme Admiral DeLouis walked over and stood at the dias.
“. . . Today, the galaxy has lost a great leader. Rev was a person who was loved, adored, and respected by many people, not only from Jord but also across the galaxy. She possessed an agreeable personality that drew others to her. She had a certain gentleness about her that naturally made others feel at ease in her presence.
But now she is lost forever, just to appease the barbarism of the Sardakk N’orr.
I, Supreme Admiral DeLouis vow to make the galaxy a place where such needless deaths NEVER OCCUR AGAIN!
But I cannot do it alone. Now more than ever, The Federation of Sol is in great need of capable leaders who can inspire others to take action and make the galaxy a safer place for us all.
Join The Federation, and together, we can make this future a reality!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
(Choosing Leadership Strategy Card)
The Sardakk N’orr remained deadly silent as the majority of the crowd erupted into applause at the magnificent speech. Once the cheering had quietened down, much to everyone’s surprise, Hacan Garrus took the stage.
“Wonderful speech, Supreme Admiral. However, our vast intelligence network has discovered that The Federation of Sol is not as idealistic as you would lead others to believe. We have discovered that The Federation has formed a Spy Network and has resorted to subterfuge to further their claim to the Imperial Throne.
Heed my words, everyone. Sol is not as trustworthy as they may appear. Humanity has already integrated themselves with most other galactic races. But not all of us want to coexist with humans much less be ruled by them.
Humans are notorious for using deceptive tactics to get what they want. They cannot be trusted to lead the galaxy to prosperity! We possess immense wealth and will happily share that with all who rally under the banner of the Hacan!” – Hacan Garrus
(Public Disgrace)
Apart from the humans and turtles, every other race present burst into an uproar. The Federation’s plot had come to light, and they would be hard-pressed to gather many leaders for the foreseeable future. Hacan Garrus had intended to rally more leaders to their cause, but unfortunately, they had not anticipated the slow but calculating Elder Qanoj to face the crowd.
“Greetings everyone, if you would all be so kind as to lend me your ear for a short time, I would be most appreciative. From what the Xxcha Kingdom has gathered, it seems everyone else is at each other’s throats.
This is not the way of peace, nor is it the way to create a prospering galaxy for all. We wish for all races to live harmoniously with each other.
United, we are strong. Divided, we are weak.
I humbly ask all who support the Xxcha Kingdom to step forth and lend us your much-needed leadership skills to pilot the galaxy towards a utopia for all.” – Elder Qanoj
(Successfully taken Leadership Strategy Card)
The gentle speech delivered by the old and wise Elder Qanoj, sparked a paradoxically loud cheer from every race. Even the Hacan were impressed, though begrudgingly so.
(Skipping ahead to turn five)
Somehow, The Clan of Saar had managed to persevere, with their ground force on Mecatol Rex and zero Floating Factories. It seemed The Clan of Saar were intent on clinging to Mecatol Rex as if their lives depended on it. Such a statement was not entirely hyperbole. Apart from Mecatol Rex, Saar’s only presence was on the system containing Centauri and Gral.
Earlier, the Xxcha Kingdom had assembled a naval armada and used it to blast Saar’s fleet! The Xxcha Kingdom, however, lacked the ground force necessary to oust the Saar from Mecatol Rex. The Xxcha Kingdom moved their fleet away from Mecatol Rex and attacked The Federation of Sol on Arnor and Lor, in an attempt to take away precious resources and influence from their planets.
Control of Lor passed to The Xxcha Kingdom, but Arnor remained. This turn of events worked out perfectly for The Federation of Sol as the skies at Mecatol Rex had been emptied, and no other race had occupied the airspace. The Clan of Saar could only watch in terror as Genesis – Sol’s Flagship loomed above Mecatol Rex dropping scores of Spec Ops Military onto the planet.
“The Federation will be taking back Mecatol Rex! You have truly overstayed your welcome.” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“Gah! My clan! Nooooooooo!” – Mendosa
Upon hearing the news that control of Mecatol Rex had shifted to Sol, The Emirates of Hacan immediately launched an attack on Jord.
“The Federation may hold Mecatol Rex, but if we can occupy Jord, they will not be able to make a claim to the Imperial Throne earnestly. Attack!” – Hacan Harrugh
“Irritating. You may be able to defeat our air force, but our Spec Ops military is subjected to the harshest training. Your infantry will regret landing on my home.” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
Indeed, The Emirates of Hacan was able to take the airspace of Jord but not take control of the planet itself.
“The Hacan have failed, but now it isss our turn. Though we lack ground force, we can at the very leassst remove your aerial presssscence from Mecatol Rex! Our Crystal Hybrid Fighterssss are the besssst” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
“Genesis, this is Supreme Admiral DeLouis. You are ordered to retreat to the Dal Bootha and Xxehan system at your earliest opportunity. The Queen is correct; their fighters outnumber and outmatch ours.” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
So after a single exchange from both sides, a damaged Genesis Flagship managed to retreat.
“And now it is time for the Sardakk N’orr to finish the job! We never needed your Support for the Throne anyway.” – G’hom Sek’kus
“You threatened my home. My People. And you killed Rev. I will never forgive you for that. Let’s end this once and for all!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“I have forssseen an attack from Sardakk N’orr on Mecatol Rex. All unitssss retreat immediately!” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
“Much appreciated Naalu Collective. The skies are now clear for our carriers to move into Mecatol Rex. Supreme Admiral . . . which is stronger? Our elite Tekklar Legion or your Spec Ops Military. Let’s find out!” – G’hom Sek’kus
“All infantry, this is it! Brace yourselves for the final confrontation. You have all trained hard for this defining moment which will determine not only the fate of humanity but that of the entire galaxy. If we allow the Sardakk N’orr to form the next empire, it will only lead to more needless bloodshed and barbarism.
You all know what they did to Rev. Let us win this decisive battle and create a galactic order she would have been proud to be a part of. FOR HUMANITY! FOR THE GALAXY! FOR REV AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS FALLEN!!!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
The ensuring conflict brought even greater ruin to the fallen Imperial Capital. Both sides suffered heavy losses. But in the end, it was proven that the Spec Ops military was superior to the Tekklar Legion. A triumphant roar resounded from the Spec Ops Military when they finally wiped out all of the Sardakk N’orr from Mecatol Rex.
“Let it now be known that The Federation of Sol is your new galactic empire! Swear your allegiance now or submit to our supremacy!” – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
“The Sardakk N’orr swear our allegiance. Your men fought extremely well, and I respect that. Treat us fairly, and we will follow in kind.” – G’hom Sek’kus
“The Clan of Saar also abides. It seems ye got the last laugh in the end. As long as ye do not try to take away our freedom, there will be no friction between us.” – Mendosa
“The Hacan concede. We can flourish under any circumstances anyway.” – Hacan Carth
“Sssso long assss you create a beautiful galaxy, there will be no problemsssss with usss.” – Queen Q’uesh Sish
“We just want to establish a peaceful galaxy. I sincerely wish you the best of efforts in making this a reality. The Xxcha Kingdom is willing to cooperate with you all to make this happen.” – Elder Qanoj
In the Imperial Throne Room, Juan Salvador Tao ascends the throne. On his right-hand side, stands Supreme Admiral DeLouis. Representatives from all the other races are present. They begin to kneel, but Emperor Juan ushers them to stay standing. He is not the kind of man who requires theatrics to showcase his position of power.
Everyone begins to clap, and soon there is a chorus of applause resonating throughout the room.
Rev, we did it, we actually did it. I only wish you could have been here to witness this moment with me. I will do my utmost to build a future you would have been proud to be a part of. You will not be forgotten, my fallen hero, I will make sure of that much. So be at peace wherever your spirit may be.
You will forever remain in my heart. – Supreme Admiral DeLouis
End Game Victory Points Ranking
- Federation of Sol – 10
- Clan of Saar – 5
- Sardakk N’orr – 5
- Emirates of Hacan – 4
- Naalu Collective – 2
- Xxcha Kingdom – 1
Clan of Saar and The Federation of Sol were one point apart (five against six) up until the final turn. Note that once it became abundantly clear that the Federation of Sol had won, the Emperor had been declared, and no further points were tallied up. It is possible that any of the five other races could have scored an extra point or two due to initiative order, so the above final scores may not be truly accurate.
Game Two
Races Banned in Initiative Order
- Embers of Muaat
- Yssaril Tribes
- Federation of Sol
- Jol Nar
- Mentak Coalition
- Xxcha Kingdom
Races Listed in Initiative Order
- Ghosts of Creuss – Lil’ Brudder (with turn 1 Speaker)
- Sardakk N’orr – Speak Easy
- Naalu Collective – Daddy Warbucks
- L1Z1X Mindnet – Turtles’ Paradise
- Emirates of Hacan – Gashfather. Pt III
- Arborec – The Best One
I represented The L1Z1X Mindnet after picking Turtle’s Paradise, because yet again my favourite race, the Embers of Muaat got hate banned and the table ensured I would not be able to play as The Federation of Sol this time round (different group of friends but they knew the results from game one).
I was 4th in the initiative order. Everyone at the table was going into at least their fifth game of Twilight Imperium, so no newbies this time. On an impromptu moment, we decided to play fourteen points rather than ten.
Game Summary
As much as I would have enjoyed writing another narrative, this game took over eight hours, and no one was able to reach the full fourteen points in that time, so Imperium Rex was declared to determine the winner at the end of the final round. Instead, I will briefly discuss my highlights playing as the L1Z1X Mindnet.
Firstly, I want to say that I had an absolute blast playing with these guys on the whole. I have played six different races of Twilight Imperium, which I will list below.
- Embers of Muaat
- L1Z1X Mindnet
- Barony of Letnev
- Yin Brotherhood
- Federation of Sol
- Arborec
Of those six, The Embers of Muaat are my absolute favourite, but The L1Z1X Mindnet is a pretty close second! During the early turns, I was able to push The Ghosts of Creuss back and take over their territory. I had a ceasefire agreement with the Naalu Collective over at Daddy Warbucks.
By the mid-game, I had taken over the entirety of the Creuss board of the map – I essentially controlled a third of the board with a full set of six upgraded PDS units scattered across. The Ghosts of Creuss had two PDS units on Lodor and two ground forces. I was able to send in four infantry and play Disable on the PDS and hence, win the battle and assimilate both PDS units. That took me to six PDS units on board, and on the following turn, I upgraded my PDS.
By around turn six or seven, I had a full fleet of upgraded Dreadnoughts, which had also expanded into Naalu territory (I broke the ceasefire agreement and forced my way through) and a complete set of upgraded Cruisers defending my home system. The entire table was terrified of The L1Z1X Mindnet. Throughout the whole game, I managed to assimilate four PDS and two Space Docks, which was incredible. I had never seen the L1Z1X assimilate so much stuff before, so I was happy with that result.
The Hacan led on victory points throughout the game. They took Mecatol Rex early, and even though they completely vacated it, due to all the PDS on surrounding planets, no one else wanted to try and take the centre.
I got careless on the very last turn. I attacked the Creuss on their home system using a Flank Speed with my upgraded Cruisers. I forgot I had Fleet Logistics so that I could have built on home on the same turn. Subsequently, the Creuss retaliated with their remaining fleet of three dreadnoughts and conquered my home system. The Creuss set up Alpha and Beta wormholes in the empty space next to my home system during the mid-game, to allow every other player access to my home.
The Arborec fought the Creuss off my home system and eliminated them from the game! Once they took control of my home system, they produced a load of ships and ground forces. I had Warfare on the final turn, and while I was able to mobilise a counter-attack, my fleet was not enough to take on the Arborec. It looked like the Arborec had it won, but due to King making shenanigans, the Naalu player helped the Hacan win instead.
End Game Victory Points Ranking
- Emirates of Hacan – 13
- Arborec – 12
- L1Z1X Mindnet – 11
- Naalu Collective – 9
- Sardakk N’orr – 7
- Ghosts of Creuss – Eliminated with 8 points or so
All in all, two great games of Twilight Imperium, though the second one did drag itself out.
One particular feedback about the tournament map which I received during the first game is that the Asteroid Field adjacent to Mecatol Rex and the Gravity Rift tile should switch spaces. The Naalu Collective player in the first game admitted he had intended to play the Clan of Saar, but it was chosen prematurely. Upon inspection, indeed, it would be very straightforward for the Clan of Saar starting in The Gashfather Pt. III sector to set up a protected Space Dock within that Asteroid Field with their Chaos Mapping racial technology.
During the second game, my only slight complaint is that although I controlled 1/3 of the map, I still did not have the most influence on the table. Both Arborec and Hacan had more influence than me, despite L1Z1X having almost twice as many planets. I know the map design is such that each pie slice caters to different things, but I was a little saddened by the fact that I was not as influential as I would have liked to have been during most agenda phases. Having said that, L1Z1X starts with a zero influence planet, whereas both Arborec and Hacan have two influence, to begin. Mecatol Rex was passed from Hacan to Arborec at some stage of the game as well, so my complaint here is somewhat unreasonable.
The map itself is fantastic overall. We usually use a random map generator when playing Twilight Imperium, but the maps that the application creates usually have problems. Often it will place an Alpha and Beta wormhole very near someone’s home system, which makes them vulnerable to attack from the rest of the board. It can also place wormholes very close to each other, which essentially eliminates the point of having wormholes in the first instance.
I hope you enjoyed this article, I wanted to start the year off strong, but in a different direction to the kind of topics, I usually write about. Who knows, maybe I will write more narratives and game summaries in the future.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.
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