Mastermind – Escaping Life on Repeat!

Commencing operation . . .
Have you noticed that life throws the same choices in different situations? The same temptations present themselves to you, over and over, often disguised by the circumstances in which they arise.
One example that many youngsters battle is the decision to either hang out with their friends or commit to studying.
This decision transitions into adult life, where the choice is to either go to the pub with work colleagues or spend time in solitude, diligently honing your craft.
The core principle of the decision made is, in essence, the same, but the circumstances that surround the decision have changed. It is a continual test that life wages upon you; to periodically determine whether you will carry on down your current path, or whether you will instigate a change.
Will you continue your rise to greatness or will you plummet down into mediocrity?
There are people in this world who trudge through life day in and day out, following the same routine and doing the same things over and over.
People who are willing just to get by.
If such people are content with this lifestyle, then I have nothing to say to them. However, for those of you who are not satisfied with your current lives, what have you done to make the change? I have met people who are unhappy with their lives, but when I have questioned them and prompted them to take action, they inevitably do not. I suspect it is either due to the fear of change or the fear of unknown itself.
These people would rather the Devil they know than the one they know not. Which is understandable to a degree but taking a look at the bigger picture for these people who are in undesirable circumstances, they are better off taking a change of direction. In the worst-case scenario, they trade one bad situation for another. Should that be the case, in the grand scheme of things, these type of changes are reversible. In the best-case scenario, you trade a bad situation for a much better one down the road.
Having said that there might be cases where it just is not feasible to make an external change at the current point in time or perhaps not even in the near distant future. Fortunately for such people, there is another method of making a change even when your external circumstances may not allow it. There are only two ways to change any circumstances that are in your life. You either make a change externally or internally. It is handy to have the knowledge to do both, but each requires a different set of skills.
Changing the External
Let’s take a work-related example to illustrate an external change. Say you are dissatisfied with your job, perhaps for various reasons. The mediocre accepts things as they are even at the cost of their wellbeing. The person who desires to change their undesirable state of affairs will raise their dissatisfactions with their boss and open up a discussion revolving around mitigating the discontent. The power of negotiation may very well come into play but should this approach fail then such people may look into changing jobs. Both are viable solutions to change an undesirable external environment.
Changing the Internal
Following on from the above example, the person has decided to change their job because things have not improved in their current workplace. This external change doesn’t just suddenly happen. Such people who choose to stay in their place of employment while job seeking will benefit greatly if they are able to change their internal perception with relation to their grievances. The following thought perception may resonate.
I am going through a challenging time, but I am grateful that I at least have a place to work. I realise that there are many people out there who would desire to be where I currently am. Things may not be great, but I have the awareness to know that they could be much worse. At the end of the day, this is only temporary as I am taking meaningful steps to make a better changes.
Personally, I initially try and change my external circumstances to better suit my preferences before changing my internal perception of the situation. As mentioned being able to do both allows you to take control of your destiny. You either make an external change to the environment or control internally how you respond to the environment.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.