Chronicles of the Overlord – A Novella

Commencing operation . . .
I have spent the past few months working on a sci-fi novella – I had to look that one up! This has been an incredible challenge for me to write as I had only written non-fictional books up to this point. I did a lot of role play writing casually in my younger years, but nothing anywhere near the magnitude of a book.
The number of times I wanted to throw in the towel and give up halfway was staggering. The trick is to write even a small number of words when the inevitable writer block or moodiness kicks in. Easier said than done, however.
The work is based on a futuristic, scientifically advanced city set in an alternate timeline to the world we live in. The first draft is complete, but I still have a long way to go before finalising the work. That being said, I am happy to share a synopsis and prologue.
This story is set in an alternate universe to the one in
which you and I exist. Black Metropolis is one of the
few remaining cities that have chosen to remain
neutral in the face of the rising empire.
Danielle Rosebridge started as a promising
technologist working at Black Metropolis. All she
wanted was to complete her research assignment and
return home, which is now under imperial control.
An accident at one of the manufacturing warehouses
brings her into eventual contact with a mysterious,
kept hidden, metal alloy known as Drakownium. Her
research interest in energy alternatives in
combination with the Drakownium leads her to make
a revolutionary discovery.
Her efforts do not go unnoticed, however.
The fragile but peaceful relations between Black
Metropolis and the empire shatter when this
discovery comes to light. The empire declares war
and attacks the dark city, causing life-threatening
damage to Drakow, the current ruler.
To prepare for a counter strike aimed directly at the
heart of the empire, and to find the next ruler for
Black Metropolis, Drakow hosts a tournament
among suitable candidates. Danielle is one of the
chosen. The competition will be fierce, and she must
rise against all odds to succeed, if she is to be
selected to join the counter strike force, and with it,
the opportunity to leave the dark city behind.
This story occurs in a world not so different from the
one in which you and I live. Man’s greed knows no
bounds. It is an insatiable thirst. Everybody wants
more, and some are willing to take it by force.
Unreasonable demands caused relationships
among countries to fall apart, eventually. Soon after
The Great War took place. Wide-scale battles were
waged for minuscule territorial gains. For every
victory, there was a corresponding defeat, and
ultimately the balance of power remained unchanged.
It was utterly meaningless. The planet was ravaged,
and the human population had been decimated all for
nothing. An alliance was formed among a few
countries which slowly but surely began to expand
their influence and win others over with the promise
of peace and wealth, eventually.
Thus, the empire known as the World Order
Autocratic Imperial Alliance (WOAIA) came into
being. Those who aligned flourished from the vast
resources the empire had at their disposal. It took
time, but the empire managed to annex the majority
of the world to their cause. However, not all shared
the same sentiments as the empire, and a few
settlements chose to remain neutral.
Black Metropolis is one such city. It is ruled by one
known as the overlord, who refused to conform to
the empire’s will. The dark city stands tall defiantly
despite being surrounded on all sides.
Despite increasing tensions between Black
Metropolis and the empire, the two maintained
peaceful relations for the past decade.
Until the discovery was made . . .
I can say with near definitiveness that I am better suited to non-fictional writing than novels, at least from an ease of effort standpoint. As it stands, I have left the opportunity to expand the work, but at this time, I do not think I will.
Who knows though, once I am happy with the current work, I may revisit it in the future. For now, I am simply relieved that the first draft is done.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.