Best Eats – Introduction

Commencing operation . . .
You are what you eat. While not correct in the literal sense, I believe there is much intricate meaning behind that phrase. Food is your fuel. If you use low-quality fuel and oil in your car, chances are the car will not last as long and will need to be serviced more regularly. Whereas if you use premium oils and fuel, your vehicle will be finely tuned for a more extended period and probably won’t require servicing as frequently. The same relationship can be transposed to food and the human body. In the vast majority of circumstances, eating poorly will lead to disastrous results somewhere down the line. You may feel good ordering take-outs regularly and consuming a bunch of chocolate and ice cream, but sooner or later, you will pay the price, and it can sure as hell be a steep cost. Medical expenses are not cheap. You may have to pay more in your daily living to procure the good stuff, but it is well worth your while to do so to keep your body running at an optimal level. In the end, you would probably end up paying less in the long run by maintaining a healthy diet, rather than having to deal with any food related medical issues as you age.
Go against the grain (or would you be going with the grain . . .) and do yourself a massive favour and severely reduce the intake of the junk and substitute it for the good stuff. In Best Eats, I aim to highlight the best consumables I regularly intake, from singular foods to full meals. I will also review any noteworthy restaurants which capture my interest. I do not recommend you blindly follow any of my recommendations when it comes to the diet as we are all unique individuals with equally unique digestive systems and allergies. For example, I can’t eat an apple or pear without gassing out even though both are pretty good fruits to eat. So even if someone recommended me to eat apples and pears, I would have to refuse the suggestion as my stomach cannot tolerate them. Feel free however to try and incorporate some bits and pieces to see what fits well for you. It might take some experimentation to get the right balance as it did for me, but once you get it right, you will regularly feel good and be in an uplifted spirit.
Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.