Best Eats – 12 Cucumber Benefits

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Since ancient times, people in India have harvested cucumbers for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Often mistaken as a vegetable, cucumbers are actually fruit belonging to Cucurbitaceae family along with squash and melons.  

Below I list twelve benefits to cucumbers.

12 benefits to Cucumbers

  1. Hydration
  2. Nutritious
  3. Antioxidants
  4. Bone Health
  5. Weight Loss
  6. Improves Digestion
  7. Heart Health
  8. Brain Health
  9. Reduces Bad Breath
  10. Cancer Prevention
  11. Manage Diabetes
  12. Skin Care
1. Hydration

The majority of your hydration levels is dependent on the amount of water you drink. However, up to 40% of your hydration level is met through the foods you consume. 95% of cucumbers are water. Therefore as expected, they are great at helping you manage your hydration levels.

2. Nutritious

Cucumbers are highly nutritious and low in calories, which makes them a win in my book. Some of the important nutrients contained in cucumbers include magnesium, potassium, manganese,   vitamins C and K. To get the most nutritional value out of cucumbers, make sure to eat them unpeeled.

3. Antioxidants

Cucumbers contain a wide variety of antioxidants including flavonoids, lignans and tannins which help in the prevention of chronic diseases and cancer.

4. Bone Health

The calcium and vitamin K content in cucumbers provide bone strengthening properties. Vitamin K helps the body absorb calcium more readily.

5. Weight Loss

Cucumbers are low in calories, mostly consist of water and often are used as a substitute for other, higher calorific foods, in various meals.

6. Improves Digestion

Cucumbers contain plenty of water and fibre, both of which help prevent constipation and improve digestive health.

7. Heart Health

The potassium content contained in cucumbers can help reduce blood pressure and thereby protect the heart.

8. Brain Health

Cucumbers contain fisetin, an anti-inflammatory substance which helps prevent neurological dysfunction within the brain, as well as maintaining cognition.

9. Reduces Bad Breath

Because cucumbers are high in fibre and water content, they can cause your mouth to develop more saliva which in turn, washes out bacteria in your mouth which causes bad breath!

10. Cancer Prevention

The antioxidants and cucurbitacin contained in cucumbers can aid in cancer prevention by reducing inflammation and stopping cancerous cells from replicating.

11. Manage Diabetes

Cucumbers are mostly filled with water, which means they expand in your stomach when digested. This can lead to a feeling of fullness, which takes away the temptation to binge on junk foods.

12. Skin Care

It is a common practice for people to place cucumbers on their skin to help soothe and reduce any skin irritations. Many cosmetic products also use cucumbers to help reduce wrinkles.


Due to their bland taste, cucumbers make for a hugely versatile food which can be added to sandwiches, salads and a whole host of other foods and meals. Cucumbers are my go to food for a curry, which I usually have for dinner. I like my curry spicy and cucumbers are a great way to neutralise the spice. Give them a try!

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