Best Eats – 10 Onion Benefits

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Onions are commonly associated with two things.

  1. Bad breath
  2. Tears

However, do not let these two things daunt you from the medicinal and nutritional benefits of these tear-inducing vegetables. Onions are part of the Allium family, shared with leeks, garlic, chives, and shallots. They come in various colours such as red, white, and yellow.

Farmers have grown onions for many centuries, dating back to 5000 B.C. In ancient Egypt, onions were worshipped because their concentric shape represented eternity. In the Middle Ages, onions were commonly used as payment and given as gifts to others. Currently, the largest producer of these vegetables is in China.

Let’s peel back the layers of these vegetables and see what’s so great about them.

10 Onion Benefits

  1. Nutritious
  2. Asthmatic Reduction
  3. Heart Health
  4. Brain Health
  5. Cancer Prevention
  6. Prevents Diabetes
  7. Healthy Teeth
  8. Improves Digestion
  9. Lowers Cholesterol
  10. Skin Health
1. Nutritious

Onions are highly nutritious. You will notice that most foods I consume are nutritionally dense. They contain lots of manganese, potassium, and vitamins B and C.

2. Asthmatic Reduction

Onions contain an antioxidant known as quercetin, which helps the bronchi in the respiratory tract to widen and hence allows for better breathing. I admit I was surprised when I researched this one. I should have been stuffing my face with onions throughout my life to help manage my asthma back in the day!

3. Heart Health

The antioxidants in onions also help maintain good heart health by decreasing inflammation, reducing triglycerides, and lowering the risk of a heart attack. Quercetin, in particular, can significantly aid in reducing high blood pressure. Onions also help with maintaining soft and flexible arteries.

4. Brain Health

The antioxidants in onions can bind with harmful toxins found in the brain and flush them out. The sulphur content helps to maintain memory function.

5. Cancer Prevention

The sulphur compounds and flavonoid antioxidants contained in onions help stave off cancer by reducing the multiplicity effect of tumorous cells. Onions activate cancer cells in such a way as to encourage these hazardous cells to kill themselves off instead of dividing.  

6. Prevents Diabetes

Onions contain chromium, which helps in regulating blood sugar levels. Sulphur can trigger increased insulin production, as well.

7. Healthy Teeth

While onions can cause bad breath, they are excellent at maintaining oral health. Sulphur compounds in onions are responsible for killing off harmful bacteria that form in the mouth and cause tooth decay. Vitamin C also helps to keep teeth healthy.

8. Improves Digestion

Onions are an excellent source of fibre and prebiotics, both of which help improve digestion. Inulin is a prebiotic which provides a food source for probiotics, the healthy bacteria which live in your intestines. A particular soluble fibre called oligofructose can prevent diarrhea and the prebiotics guard against constipation. Onions will help you keep regular. 

9. Lowers Cholesterol

Onions are rich in flavonoids, which contribute to the reduction of bad cholesterol in the body.

10. Skin Health

Vitamins A, C, and E (ACE!) contained in onions are all responsible for healthy skin and hair. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which helps to maintain hair and skin structure. These vitamins also slow down the ageing process of the body by shielding against damaging ultraviolet rays as well as blocking the damage caused by free radicals within the body. The sulphur content in onions assists with keeping the skin soft and supple.  


Onions are a staple food, so I would be astonished if you did not already include them in your diet, barring allergies. I chop a small to medium-sized red onion into my curry, and it works wonders. Onions are highly versatile, however, and can easily be splashed into many other foods such as salads and soups. If you do not regularly consume onions, then it is time to get on the onion wagon!

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.