It Begins . . .
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emesh De Zoysa (pseudonym Overlord Drakow). Sensei, mathematician, pianist, athlete, gamer, and cookie monster. All describe aspects of who I am.
Let us delve deeper into the chronicles of my life so far. At an early age, I struggled with asthma, and my brain was slow to develop. As a young child, I was taken to a specialist doctor who examined me and told my father that I would amount to nothing because I had little intelligence.
Educationally I was far behind the curve. Special needs classes and additional tuition was required for me to try and compensate for my shortcomings. I was pretty much a twig as well. Skinny arms and legs with the only bit of fat showing on my stomach. I had a few instances of heartburn as well, which I attribute to being incredibly unfit and out of shape.
Slowly but surely, over many years, my abilities began to flourish. Enforced by my unwavering determination and hard-working ethic, I transformed. I started at the bottom and had to crawl my way up, though I am fortunate that such persistence pays dividends as it gives people like me a fighting chance in this world.
The journey has been long and arduous. At times, It has been frustrating watching my peers develop faster than me. Always behind everyone else, these so-called prodigies who just inherently understood everything while I was left dumbfounded and clueless.
At any rate, I completed my education, graduating with a degree in Mathematics, and subsequently spent the next seven or so years working in data analysis roles in various industries. During this time, I also learned how to play the piano, read through several publications on various health/lifestyle topics, and started competing in Koshiki Karate-do tournaments.
I am a third dan black belt who has represented the United Kingdom at both national and international events such as the European Championships, Oceania and World Cups (WKKF – World Koshiki Karate-do Federation).
This broad, diverse range of interests and activities, travelling the world throughout the years, all of this has given me a rich understanding of the world in which we live in and how things work. I have over twenty years of experience as a Karate-do practitioner and have spent much of that time building a strong and flexible body as well as developing the mind to be as tough as an iron wall and as sharp as a steel blade.
My asthma is vanquished, my heart pains are no more, and I certainly have no use for special needs assistance. I sit at ~10% body fat, my resting heart rate is ~45 bpm, and my cognitive abilities are crisp and clear. If I can do it, so can you.
Which brings us to my mission statement for Absolute Ascendancy. To empower humanity to fortify themselves with the means necessary to build the physical and mental strength of a warrior, to rid themselves of the weaknesses of the world and thereby allow humanity to unleash its full potential. The condensed version reads as follows.
- Build Strength
- Eliminate Weakness
- Unleash Potential
Limitations and mediocrity will not be tolerated; they will be annihilated. War will be waged against the weaknesses of the world. I am a minimalist, and I like simplicity as it is often best. I am a straight-talking, sharpshooting individual who does not sugarcoat words. Having said that, I do speak paradoxically at times, but there typically exists a discerning realisation within such paradoxes.
I aim to share my knowledge and experience used to systematically formulate the physical and mental strength I have attained. Absolute Ascendancy will cover topics revolving around health, well being, and lifestyle. You might be thinking . . .
Is this blog for me?
Whether you consider yourself a weak minded, unfit, ambition-less person or you are at the height of success or somewhere in between, it matters not. All are welcome here to improve, evolve, and bathe in the aura of greatness. You are here to embody the spirit of the warrior.
For mere dominance is not enough – demand Absolute Ascendancy.
To reap the greatest benefit from this blog, it is advisable to read through the articles from newest to oldest from the home page. I would also suggest taking a lesson from Bruce Lee.
“Absorb what is useful. Reject what is useless. Add what is essentially your own.”
This blog is split into seven categories, as detailed below.
It is unlikely that everything you read on this blog will resonate. You may not always agree with my viewpoint, and that is fine. So take what is useful, mould it to suit your needs, and discard the rest. If nothing else, you will, without a shred of doubt, know where I stand.