Mastermind – Frugality

Commencing operation . . .


Here’s one for you. Less is more and more is less. The more things you have in your life, the less inherent value they will have to you. The less stuff you have, the more you will cherish them. Now, this is where it gets interesting, the paradox within the paradox. More is more and less is less. The more things you have, the more you want. The less you have, the less you desire. So having lots of possessions is detrimental for the two main reasons listed above. The more you have, the more you want, and the less you value what you have. Then conversely, the less you have, the less you desire, and the more you appreciate what you already have. Frugality, therefore, is a state all should aim toward. Material possessions anchor you both physically and mentally. You become chained to what you own, and if you own too much, you will be weighed down that much more. Your assets then become your liabilities. I mentioned in this article on organisation how to cut back on what you own. The other side of the equation is to ensure you do not purchase more than what you require nor buy things you do not need. 

Preventing excess spending

As a general rule of thumb, buy enough food to last you until your next food shop. Only purchase replacement household and toiletry items such as tissues, toilet paper, shampoos when they are close to running out. If you do need to buy new clothes, then get rid of similar items in a direct exchange. You buy two new shirts; you eliminate two old shirts. In this manner, the amount of stuff you own will not creep up on you. 

Only purchase what you need

An easy trap to fall into thanks to clever marketing strategies, social pressures, and the western world’s fixation on material wealth. I have visited many different homes over the years, and far too often the case have I seen an unnecessary amount of clutter and disorganisation within the homes. It is better to plan purchases somewhat in advance rather than falling to the other extreme of impulse spending. This forward-thinking allows the opportunity to iron out the all-important questions such as . . .

Why am I buying this?

Do I need this?

Will this bring me joy or be of use to me?

More often than not, I think you will find that the justification tends towards not buying. That is not to say you cannot treat yourself once in a while but don’t make this spending a regular habit. 


Living a simple, frugal life is a good life. This does not mean you have to become a tight ass with your currency, though. You can still have an excellent life filled with things you desire, just don’t go overboard and clog up your space with things you ultimately do not need. 

Mission complete – Overlord Drakow signing out.

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